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  • 1.  Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 07-10-2017 14:35

    We're working on a project to add Teams to reporting and I'd love to learn more about how you manage your team performance. Please feel free to add any comments - I've added some specific questions below.


    1. Is an agent's team membership reflected by his management hierarchy? - e.g., John reports to Jane, so John is a member of Jane's team. In PureCloud, this functionality would be driven off the Directory hierarchy.
    2. Do you ALSO have functional teams? - e.g., the customer service team, the rapid response team, Tier 2 team. In PureCloud, this would require manual maintenance of Groups.
    3. Do your teams wrap up into locations? - e.g., Teams 1 - 3 comprise Denver and Teams 4 - 6 comprise St. Louis. Or do your teams cross locations? e.g., some members of Team 1 are in Denver and some are in St. Louis.
    4. What do you use team reporting for? To evaluate supervisor Jane's performance based on how well her team is performing? To compare and rank teams?
    5. Do you want to restrict a supervisor to see ONLY the performance of his team members? e.g., NOT allow him to see the performance of non-team members. Or is this not really important - it's just that supervisors want to be able to filter IN just the agents they manage to allow them to better manage their team members, though they CAN see all agents?


    Thanks so much for your input!  

    Rebecca Gibson, PureCloud Product Manager



  • 2.  RE: Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 07-11-2017 13:25

    Any thoughts to allow customized reporting? such as allowing the selection of a category (calls, agents, etc) then allow the customer to select the selections they would like to see in order to gather information.


    are you able to create a group of people and then when running reports only choose who you need to report on from that group? Currently anytime i run a report i have to choose from a list of all people in the building. I only am concerned with the 25 in this department.


    it would be nice to be able to have the report just emailed to me on the ones i have scheduled.



    James Dean

    Comfort Systems



  • 3.  RE: Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 07-11-2017 13:26

    Question on reports but not team reports per say - - - when a customer selects the call back option, what report do i choose to run in order to see all calls that were call backs and stats on them.



    James Dean


  • 4.  RE: Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 07-27-2017 20:22

    @James Dean? Callback analytics - exposing callback metrics in the API - will be released toward the end of the summer. In the early fall, you'll see those metrics being displayed in the UI (queues activity view, queues performance view), reports and alerts, so keep an eye on the release notes for an update.

    Rebecca Gibson, PureCloud Product Manager,


  • 5.  RE: Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 07-27-2017 20:26

    @James Dean? re: custom reports. Today, customers have the option of using the API to build their own custom reports, or they can use a partner to build them using the same API. I have to planned feature that I think will also help bridge the gap:

    1. Teams - we are currently building out requirements for team reporting, which will allow a user to choose to view (or an org to set restrictions on) just the agent group s/he is interested in. This will help filter in or out agents you do or don't want to see.
    2. We are adding additional functionality that will provide more flexibility in the evolving views (such as Queues Performance view), to include the ability to set additional filters (e.g., show me only queues x and y), save and share filters, configure and order column types and export. Pieces of this will be rolling out starting late summer/early fall - our first export in the queues performance view, then in the interactions view, as well as additional filters and statistics. Our goal is to bridge the majority of the gap between current offerings and custom reporting, without the complications and training required for true custom report building.

    Hope this helps! And I really appreciate your insight and feedback.

    Rebecca Gibson, PureCloud Product Manager,

  • 6.  RE: Share your input on team reporting

    Posted 02-02-2018 06:33

    Since this thread is almost half a year old, how's the work coming along with teams? Any specifications ready? I have a customer who's mighty interested in getting teams concept into PureCloud. Do you want me to gather their thoughts, perhaps answer your five questions?


    Andreas Lindén


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