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  • 1.  Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 05-26-2017 20:56


    if a contact callback was scheduled in the campaign 's first run, is there a way to  prevent that contact to be called again, when the campaign is re-run, ?  Without blocking the callback.


    The mechanisms available  to "not call a contact " do not provide the solution:


    You should think that setting the contactt UNCALLABLE would resolve this issue, but it doesn't: the callback process looks in the contact list before dialing, then sees that the contact is UNCALLABLE, and therefor the callback is not executed.



    The callback process uses the same call rules as the campaign itself, thus it seems impossible to create a call rule which blocks the auto-dial, but allows the callback.



  • 2.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 05-26-2017 20:59

    This post does not belong in the Ideas and Feedback section, I forgot to select the right topic when creating it, sorry.

  • 3.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 05-26-2017 21:13

    I just found this in the PureCloud Resource Center:


    Note: Rules, callable times, and Do Not Call actions are not applied to scheduled callbacks.


    It is my experience that callbacks do follow the call rules of the campaign.

    I will review my call rules and test again;

  • 4.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 05-26-2017 22:37

    So the callback does follow the call rules...

  • 5.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 07-07-2017 21:03



    Scheduled callbacks that originated from a dialer call will run through the same series of checks that a dialer call does: rules, callable times, DNC, contact uncallable, phone number uncallable, ect. Unfortunately this means that there isn't a way to tell dialer to not dial a contact during the campaign but do allow the scheduled callback to be placed. Your scenario definitely makes sense though and I can see why you would want to not dial during the campaign but do allow the scheduled callback to be placed. Would you want the callback to be placed again with the campaign after the scheduled callback had gone through?



  • 6.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 07-09-2017 15:47



    I've found a way to accomplish this.

    We want to be able to manually schedule a Callback and with that, we want the same contact to be excluded from the campaign dialing process.

    No matter what the PureCloud Resource Center claims, Callbacks do follow the call rules.

    So we did following:

    1. Create a Wrap-Up Code for the Callback (e.g. Manual Callback Planned).
    2. Create a column in the Contact List (e.g. column "Callback").
    3. Create a wrap-up rule: If Wrap-Up Code equals "Manual Callback Planned", then update column "Callback" with value "Yes".
    4. Create a Contact List Filter to filter all contacts for which column "Callback" does not contain "Yes" (thus excluding the Contacts for whom we planned a callback).


    In that way, when we re-run the campaign, the contacts for which we scheduled a callback will not be called by the campaign dialing process.


    The Contact List Filter does not apply to the callbacks, so the callback is executed.




  • 7.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 07-10-2017 14:30



    I'm glad you found a workaround. That is a quite clever solution! Thanks for taking the time to post that for other people maybe wanting to accomplish the same thing.


    Have a good day!


  • 8.  RE: Outbound Campaign - Schedule callback --> Do not auto-dial

    Posted 07-10-2017 14:59

    Hello Steven,


    Thanks for pointing out the incorrect information in the Call rules view article in the Resource Center. I have updated it to state that rules, callable times, and Do Not Call actions are applied to scheduled callbacks. The updated article will be in the Resource Center on Wednesday morning.

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