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I wonder if its possible to disable the CHAT feature just for a specifc rol?
Great question, @Pablo Hernandez! I bet @George Ganahl would know. George, do you know if it's possible to disable a chat feature just for a specific role?
No. The internal Chat capability is built into the Collaborate license, and is not controlled by a specific Permission. Even a user with just the "employee" role has chat capability, and you cannot remove the employee role from a user.
Hey George, Thank you so much. I was suspecting the answer.
and is there a way to prevent agents from chating between them?
the customer is worried that they will start "playing" around instead of working
Es mi placer, Pablo.
Cristina, siento mucho, pero no. Right now you cannot prevent users from chatting with each other.
The good thing is that being on an internal chat does not prevent an agent from receiving an ACD interaction.
Was just looking this item up for a customer, Just wondering if there has been a change on this as the last update is over a year old and Pure Cloud changes so fast. I am not seeing any way to disable the chat feature. Is that still the case?
No change, and I don't see any work being done toward it.
I found that you guys can use the "Chrome for Purecloud" app as a very well option to avoid communicate chats.
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