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Voice & Email Priority Weighting

  • 1.  Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 02-26-2020 01:25

    Hi guys,

    We currently have our emails going into one queue, and our inbound calls going into another queue. In order to receive both and blend inbound calls and emails, they need to log into two queues.

    We are hoping to simplify this and put inbound calls and emails into the same queue.

    I just want to check something first - is the 'Priority' field under Contact Center > Emails the same as the 'Priority' field associated with the Transfer to ACD task for inbound calls in Architect?

    i.e. if I set the email priority at 1, and all calls at 2 and above, and then route those calls and emails to the same queue, will emails only be presented if there are no calls in the queue, even if the email has been waiting for a while? If not, is there a way to achieve this?

    What we DON'T want is for an email to be prioritised over a call in any situation, even if the email has been waiting a few hours and the call only a few minutes.  



    Katie Brassell
    Compassion Australia

  • 2.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 02-26-2020 05:02
    The direct answer to your first question is, yes, the Priority in the email settings and the Priority set in Architect have the same effect on ACD routing.

    That said, I'll have to give a quick explanation of how Priority works to help get you what you want. It is not as simple as the interaction with the highest priority always being routed first.

    For basic ACD, Genesys Cloud does First-In-First-Out (FIFO) routing. Meaning, it looks at the time the interactions entered the queue, and it routes the one that arrived first (based on the time down to a millisecond).

    Every point of Priority applied to an interaction actually shifts that arrival time back by one minute (actually 60,000 milliseconds). So, if a call and an email both arrive at 12:01:00.000 and the call has a priority of 2 while the email has a priority of 0, to the ACD system it looks like the call arrived at 11:59:00.000 and the email arrived in queue at 12:01:00.000. Thus, between those two interactions the call gets routed first.

    However, if another call arrives at 12:03:30.000 and is assigned a priority of 2, that call looks like it arrived at 12:01:30.000 and will be routed after the email. Not what you want, and it happened within a 3-minute time span.

    So, to make sure that calls get routed ahead of emails no matter what you need to make the system think that all calls arrived before the oldest emails sitting in queue. I don't know your situation, but let's say you have emails which arrive on Friday at 17:00 after the queue has just closed, and they sit in queue all weekend until the queue opens at 08:00 on Monday. That equals 3780 minutes which we have to make up for with a Priority setting on the calls. Just to be safe, I would probably set the priority in Architect to 10,000.

    You may well ask, "How?" since Architect only shows 5 stars in the setting in your screenshot, and each half star is only 1 point of Priority (total of 10 available).

    You need to take advantage of a non-intuitive option for setting Priority in Architect. First, you need to switch the Priority entry field from Literal to Expression:

    Then, instead of just typing 10000 in that field (it has a maximum limit of 10 when typed directly) you need to enter 1+9999:

    For those who care about such things, the max value is 10+999999999999999 (minutes).

    That's a long explanation. Hopefully not too confusing. I put in a lot of detail for those who come along later and find this thread.

    George Ganahl GCP (PureCloud), ICCE
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 3.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 02-26-2020 05:05
    One other thing you may not have considered...

    Utilization is set up by default to allow a Voice interaction to interrupt an Email interaction. So, even if an agent is actively working on an email a call should still route to that agent to be answered, effectively putting the email on "hold" until the call is done and the agent returns to working on it.

    George Ganahl GCP (PureCloud), ICCE
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 4.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 02-27-2020 18:48

    Thanks George, this has been really helpful and clear! 

    We do currently have email interactions interruptible by voice, but we've had consistent agent feedback that this hasn't been an effective model for our centre, where some of the inquiries require quite a bit of research, and they may have their email interrupted 4-5 times before they can fully compose a response, which has meant a lot of broken focus and time loss - so we're just looking to try out another option! :) 

    Katie Brassell
    Compassion Australia

  • 5.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 04-27-2020 18:27
    Maybe I'm not seeing it George, but is the Transfer to ACD the only place you can set priority within Architect? Is there another function to do just the priority?

    Can you also set priority on a specific interaction within the in-queue call flows?

    Vaun McCarthy
    NTT New Zealand Limited

  • 6.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 05-04-2020 18:46
    Once in Architect, the Transfer to ACD is th eonly place to set or modify Priority, yes. 

    If you choose to change a queued interaction's priority, you would have to re-queue it in the In-Queue Call flow.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), ICCE
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 7.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 06-16-2020 11:53
    George, thanks for this write-up.  much appreciated.  If I transfer a call that's already in queue via in-queue flow, will that allow me to change priority?  Does that have any impact to analytics?

    Jonathan Jonathan Conrad
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 06-17-2020 02:09
    Yes, sir, it does allow you to change the priority.

    However, yes, it does impact Analytics. It is counted as a Flow-out from the queue, and will count as a new offer to the queue after the Transfer to ACD. So, if you are transferring back to the same queue that one call will be counted as Offered twice, which can become quite confusing if it happens with a lot of calls.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), ICCE
    Principal Technology Consultant

  • 9.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 07-28-2021 06:02
    Hi George, All

    What about the data action "/api/v2/routing/conversations/${input.conversationId}?priority=${input.priority}" ?

    I understand that it is use to modify the priority in the queue but maybe I'm wrong.



    Christophe Perrigueux
    AXA Juridica

  • 10.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 12-23-2022 09:34


    Thank You, this is great information / detail.  To date I have been under the false assumption that the 5 star ranking was an inferior limitation as compared to PureConnect.   While this was not taught in the GCP or Architect classes (understand there limitation of what can be covered),  not sure if I would have discovered this option!  Again Thank You

    A follow up question based on this thread,  When EMails can be interrupted by a call,  what happens to the stats/metrics of the Email, from the point of time when the agent answers the call, is the email tracked as being "on Hold",  or continued "Talk Time" or something else?  This then begs the question, what is happening to the email stats when agent is in ACW for the call?


    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 11.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 03-31-2022 08:26


    I am finding this some time later, and appreciate the detailed explanation/write up.  Is there anything that is in formal Genesys documentation that is specific and detailed related to Interaction and Queue Priority available?



    Todd Allred
    IBM Corporation USA

  • 12.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 04-14-2022 08:09
    Hi George, 

    Thank You for the excellent explanation, however for the priority scale of -25,000,000 to 25,000,000, how are the negative integers calculated.

    Thank You

    Praveen Kumar
    HCL Technologies Ltd.

  • 13.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 12-21-2022 17:36
    Hi @George Ganahl,

    Sorry to ​recover  this old thread again but If you could clarify something about priority behaviour i will be very gratefull.

    The question is:

    In case an agent belogd to two queues and we apply priority for one of them. How calls should be delivered to the agents?

    Thanks in advance.

    Josue Garcia
    Evolutio Cloud Enabler, S.A.

  • 14.  RE: Voice & Email Priority Weighting

    Posted 12-22-2022 09:28
    Josue (and Preveen!)

    So, to answer the second question first. Priorities are given to interactions, not queues. So if an agent is On-Queue in multiple queues, when selecting an interaction to give to that agent, the system will aggregate all of the interactions. As an aside, you can put interactions into a queue with varying priorities (not just for different interaction types.) For example, in your inbound flow, you might do some work to determine if the caller is a VIP customer and put their call into the queue with a higher priority than regular callers you put into the same queue.

    Regarding negative priorities (sorry for the delayed response!) as George explained, the priority (in minutes) is added to the waiting time and acts as an offset. So, an interaction with a priority of, say, 10 will behave from a queuing perspective as if it arrived 10 minutes earlier than it actually did (so it appears to have been waiting longer.) Negative priorities do the same thing, but in the opposite direction. So a priority of -10 would make it appear as if it arrived 10 minutes later than it did and the calculations view it as having waited less than it actually has. In the example George gave (emails arriving during the weekend, when you are closed) you could either up the priority of the calls, or reduce the priority of the emails - it would essentially have the same effect. Which you do depends on a combination of personal preference / what makes more sense to you and also the context of the rest of the system. (Do you have messages etc. coming into the same queue? Are you setting different priorities for calls from different customers - see above? etc.)


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

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