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  • 1.  Step "XML Set Node Value" does not work for me

    Posted 10-03-2011 13:31
    Hi. I want to send a soap request to Siebel. My request xml should look like this in order to call the Siebel service correct: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cus="http://siebel.com/CustomUI" xmlns:ap01="http://www.siebel.com/xml/AP01_ServiceTelefon_Input_External"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <cus:RunServiceTelefon> <SiebelMessage> <ap01:customer> <ap01:customerid></ap01:customerid> <ap01:phone>+4795027908</ap01:phone> </ap01:customer> </SiebelMessage> </cus:RunServiceTelefon> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> I tried the following: - XML Create Document – with this exaxt xml as input. Successfully. - XML Select Node – to get the of ap01:phone tag. Successfully. - XML Set Node Value – to change the value of ap01:phone. Not success. In debug I can see that XML Select Node step returns the correct tag, but the XML Set Node Value fails. Can anyone help me figure out why this fails? I appreciate any suggestions. Regards Mari

  • 2.  RE: Step "XML Set Node Value" does not work for me

    Posted 10-03-2011 13:38
    I would suggest turning up logging on IP and look at the logs to possibly get more info as to why the step is failing.

  • 3.  RE: Step "XML Set Node Value" does not work for me

    Posted 10-04-2011 06:52
    Hi, and thanks for your update. I turned the logs to 99 on ip, but it doesn't give me much to work on. N 08:43:45.7619237_0208 CIP2HandlerContext::Run : HANDLER_RUNTIME HandlerExecution 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0209 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run : STEP_ENTERED(stepID=211 | type=External | func=Entry_XMLCreateDocument | dll=XMLToolsIPU) HandlerExecution 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0210 CIPManager::IntegerCall : Calling IntegerCall (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLCreateDocument | parmCount=15 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=211) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0211 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Enter XMLCreateDocument Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0212 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Exit XMLCreateDocument Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0213 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run() : IntegerCall Returned 1 Handlers 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0214 CIPManager::Attach : Calling attach function (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLNode_Attach | value=158256672 unsigned value=158256672 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=211) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0215 CIPManager::Attach : Calling attach function (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLNode_Attach | value=158132808 unsigned value=158132808 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=211) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0216 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run : STEP_ENTERED(stepID=212 | type=External | func=Entry_XMLSelectSingleNode | dll=XMLToolsIPU) HandlerExecution 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0217 CIPManager::IntegerCall : Calling IntegerCall (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLSelectSingleNode | parmCount=5 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=212) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0218 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Enter XMLSelectSingleNode Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0219 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Exit XMLSelectSingleNode Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0220 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run() : IntegerCall Returned 1 Handlers 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0221 CIPManager::Attach : Calling attach function (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLNode_Attach | value=270272968 unsigned value=270272968 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=212) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0222 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run : STEP_ENTERED(stepID=214 | type=External | func=Entry_XMLSetNodeValue | dll=XMLToolsIPU) HandlerExecution 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0223 CIPManager::IntegerCall : Calling IntegerCall (dll=XMLToolsIPU | func=Entry_XMLSetNodeValue | parmCount=3 | handler=Atea_AP_Kunde | step=214) Handler 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0224 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Enter XMLSetNodeValue Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0225 I3_ToolUtility_Library::CTool::Run : Exit XMLSetNodeValue Tools 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0226 CIP2HandlerStep_External::Run() : IntegerCall Returned 0 Handlers 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0227 CIP2HandlerStep_TraceWriteMsg2::Run : STEP_ENTERED(stepID=109 | type=TraceWriteMsg2) HandlerExecution 0xe10 N 08:43:45.7619237_0228 CIP2HandlerStep_TraceWriteMsg2::Run() : Write Trace Message Toolstep Message: SOAP Feiler ( handlerName=Atea_AP_Kunde | stepID = 109) Handlers 0xe10

  • 4.  RE: Step "XML Set Node Value" does not work for me

    Posted 10-04-2011 13:23
    What are your input values for the XML Set Node Value toolstep?

  • 5.  RE: Step "XML Set Node Value" does not work for me

    Posted 03-06-2012 13:49
    The key is setting the selection namespaces, and using them. I've attached a little test handler which uses your document, and changes the phone number to 1234567890. Publish, and launch it with "\I3\IC\Server\SendCustomNotification.exe Test XML" [ATTACH]471[/ATTACH]

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