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  • 1.  IC Database calculations

    Posted 05-16-2016 22:10
    Hello folks, I've been reading the IC Reporting Data Dictionary and when comparing some items I wasn't able to clearly state the difference between them. Example: Should tAgentAcdCall match with tTalkAcd? In my testings it's close but doesn't match entirely. Same happens when I compare tACW with tAgentInAcw, its close but doesn't match. My problem is that tTalkAcd and tACW itens don't sum up with tAgentLoggedin time. I'm doing a skill group report for a client with basic info such as: TalkTime, Hold, ACW, Available, Auxiliary states such as Break, Personal, Meeting, Training, etc. Summing up those times is supposed to match tAgentLoggedin time, but that's not true based on the example above, so I just want to understand which items should I use in my report.:confused: Thanks, Jeff

  • 2.  RE: IC Database calculations

    Posted 05-17-2016 13:43
    I struggled with the same issue in the past and found this in the Data Dictionary (Agent/Workgroup Queue Period Stats). CIC Data Dictionary ****************************** Important Note The statistics from tAgent* columns are based on Agents' status changes and interaction state changes. Other ACD statistics from columns such as tExternToInternCalls, tExterntoInternACDcalls, and tTalkACD, are based only on interaction state changes. When reporting on Agent statistics, columns that contain only interaction state changes will not always match to tAgent* columns that contain interaction state changes and status changes. For Agent calculations, use ACD statistics from columns based only on interaction state changes and not on statistics from tAgent* columns. ******************************

  • 3.  RE: IC Database calculations

    Posted 05-17-2016 13:55
    Jeff, Are you trying to compare values in different tables? It looks like you are pulling values from the agent queue stats and the workgroup queue stats tables and trying to compare results? According to the ININ database guys I have talked to over the years the values will never tie out. The stance is always if you want to look at queue level then use the queue table, if you want to look at agents then use the agent table. If you can give the table name and the column names maybe we can help out on which values you should look at for your report.

  • 4.  RE: IC Database calculations

    Posted 05-24-2016 15:38
    Thanks for the replies guys, But in fact I'm only analyzing data from the queue table (IwkrgrpQueueStat) and from one workgroup only. If you have some time, please, take a look at the txt I've attached. [ATTACH]737[/ATTACH] Try comparing tTalkACD with tAgentOnAcdCall and tAcw with tAgentInAcw for example. Also, what really means tAgentNotAvailable? Is it mean the agent is in auxiliary time like break, lunch, etc? I've tried to break it down to the AUX codes (tStatus items), but it doesn't match anyway (you can see in the TXT file). Thanks, Jeff

  • 5.  RE: IC Database calculations

    Posted 05-25-2016 13:45
    Have you checked out the data dictionary? http://help.inin.com/cic/mergedProjects/wh_tr/desktop/pdfs/Data_Dictionary_TR.pdf This table is kind of hard to read if you don't understand the usage of the cReportGroup, cHKey3, and cHKey4 columns. The data dictionary does a really good job explaining how to read the values in the table. Take a look and let me know if this answers your questions.

  • 6.  RE: IC Database calculations

    Posted 06-16-2017 15:01
    Re: Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval Table
    Important Note The statistics from tAgent* columns are based on Agents' status changes and interaction state changes. Other ACD statistics from columns such as tExternToInternCalls, tExterntoInternACDcalls, and tTalkACD, are based only on interaction state changes. When reporting on Agent statistics, columns that contain only interaction state changes will not always match to tAgent* columns that contain interaction state changes and status changes. For Agent calculations, use ACD statistics from columns based only on interaction state changes and not on statistics from tAgent* columns.
    This is from IC Reporting Data Dictionary Technical Reference Version 3.0 which is the only place I've seen it clearly spelled out. http://dii.vermont.gov/sites/dii/files/PDF/Support/IC-Reporting-Data-Dictionary.pdf

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