I am trying to use the Secure Pause which does not seems to be throwing any errors. But I need the `IsPaused` and the `IsRecording` properties to change so I can change the button on the user's screen from "Pause Recording" to "Resume Recording".
In the code below, the variable "iRRecordingId" has a valid value which means that the recording was initiated by the policy.
var iRRecordingId = interaction.GetStringAttribute("Eic_IRRecordingId");
But as you can see in the screenshot below, `IsRecording` has a false value while the `Recorders` has 1 value.
Here is how the interaction looks like in VS.
Here is how I am using the secure recording to pause the recording
var interaction = GetInteraction(interactionId);
if (!interaction.IsDisconnected)
var param = new SecureRecordingPauseParameters(SecureRecordingPauseAction.PauseWithInfiniteTimeout);
Here is how I am attempting to resume the recording using the secure recording
var interaction = GetInteraction(interactionId);
if (!interaction.IsDisconnected)
var param = new SecureRecordingPauseParameters(SecureRecordingPauseAction.ResumeRecording);
Finally, here is my GetInteraction() signature
protected Interaction GetInteraction(string interactionId)
return GetInteractionManager().CreateInteraction(new InteractionId(interactionId));