A couple of notes:
1. The
System Initialization initiator is called every time IP restarts (system boot or restart the subsystem), so you could create a handler using that initiator for when the system restarts (it won't run if just ACDServer subsystem restarts).
2. There is an optional Server Parameter which will automatically assign a category to every user at ACDServer startup.
From the help:
This server parameter adds a category to each user upon startup. The possible values are:
â– 0: Feature is turned off.
â– 1: Feature is turned on adding a suffix of "-auto" to the CIC user name.
â– <any other value>: Feature is turned on adding a suffix of <value> to the CIC user name.
For example, if set to "1", user JeffS would result in a category of JeffS-auto. If set to "-Director", user JeffS would result in a category of JeffS-Director.
Blank or <null> values are not supported. This parameter must be present at ACD startup to take effect. The changes are not dynamically updated in ACD Server, so adding this parameter or changing the value of the parameter, requires a restart of the ACD Server.