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  • 1.  Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-09-2017 14:32
    We are on CIC 2017 R1 Patch 6, and somehow we are experiencing an odd issue where agents are placed into 'Invalid Status' right after the system has placed them on Available. WHen I run the User Availability Detail report, I see the following: 1. User is on their unique ACD Status (ok) 2. User is on the follow up status (ok) 3. User is on Available status (ok) but the time on that status is for 0 seconds. 4. User is on 'Invalid Status' We know the Invalid Status is not a status that the user can select so we are 100% sure that this is not related to User error. This is happening randomly to different users. I don't think it is permissions issues because all of the users have the same Role assigned within CIC and same exact permissions within our Domain. Any ideas why CIC is setting up the user's status to 'Invalid Status'?

  • 2.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-09-2017 23:56
    I would try a restart of the clientservices subsystem and see if it goes away after that. I have seen this before but it was a while back.

  • 3.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-10-2017 13:08
    Ryan, we have restarted the servers and we continue to have this issue. Any other ideas as to what I should look for?

  • 4.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-10-2017 13:48
    Do you have any custom logic to try to change the status? For example I believe if you change a status in a handler to a status the use doesn't have rights to the status, or the status is an invalid name I'm pretty sure they will go to an invalid status.

  • 5.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-10-2017 13:53
    Originally posted by MarkT;35267
    Do you have any custom logic to try to change the status? For example I believe if you change a status in a handler to a status the use doesn't have rights to the status, or the status is an invalid name I'm pretty sure they will go to an invalid status.
    No we don't have any custom logic through a Handler to change their status, but the regular 'On Call Status' within the Workgroup ACD>Actions tab. The odd thing is that this is happening to Random users, Random times, and the only pattern that I have noticed is that it has happened every time they are done with their follow up time and the system places them in Available which they have right for it. All of the users that have experienced this, have the same Role Permissions as to the ones that haven't experienced the issue yet. I even created a new Status to be added within the Actions tab for the ACD Workgroup and that didn't help.

  • 6.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-10-2017 16:28
    Is "Invalid Status" showing to all users, or just in the affected agent's client? If all users except the affected agent, then perhaps that agent is changing their status to something they have access to but others don't (maybe a member of one more workgroup or role). Or, perhaps there is a network communication error somehow happening randomly... I think the SessionManager log might show the status change messages, probably in conjunction with the ClientServices log - I'd check those to see if you can track what status was trying to be set. Also check the InteractionClient log on the agent's desktop to see if you can find info on the status change...I can't remember if that has the info. Might have to turn up tracing on the agent's machine to see it.

  • 7.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-11-2017 17:37
    Originally posted by GGanahl;35270
    Is "Invalid Status" showing to all users, or just in the affected agent's client? If all users except the affected agent, then perhaps that agent is changing their status to something they have access to but others don't (maybe a member of one more workgroup or role). Or, perhaps there is a network communication error somehow happening randomly... I think the SessionManager log might show the status change messages, probably in conjunction with the ClientServices log - I'd check those to see if you can track what status was trying to be set. Also check the InteractionClient log on the agent's desktop to see if you can find info on the status change...I can't remember if that has the info. Might have to turn up tracing on the agent's machine to see it.
    The Invalid Status is only showing up to just few agents here and there at random times (Not all agents) All the agents are part of the Role and have the same exact permissions as the ones that are not having the issue, so I thin this might be a "Network communication" error as you mentioned and other Engineers I know suggested. Any ideas why would this happen? Any more info on it when it comes to being related to Network issue?

  • 8.  RE: Odd 'Invalid Status' right after finishing with ACD Calls

    Posted 05-11-2017 18:00
    No further info, specifically...just a hunch. You would need to track the status change messages through notifier to see if a message gets sent through SessionManager or ClientServices (I honestly don't know which one sends the change notification) through Notifier, and see if Notifier has any errors delivering it to SessionManager (I'm presuming that's where it goes next, amongst others). Another thought...do you have off-server SessionManager instances installed? That would be the likely cause of network messages getting lost. If only on-server, then it is more likely to be a system resource bottleneck...be using the SysMon to see if you are getting spikes in CPU or Disk I/O or such when it happens.

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