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  • 1.  blocking backspace usage

    Posted 11-29-2017 10:12
    I have found that agents are using the backspace to 'mess up' the working of dialler. Once they complete the call from the last page, they use the backspace key to go back to the available page, this prevents them from being associated with the previous call so it won't record the agent details against the call in ICBM and when the team leaders are scoring calls it challenges to find the matching agent with that call. I would like to know if any of you have found a way to block the use of the backspace key. While researching this I found that there are a lot of complaints from other area's outside genesys about the backspace key within browsers. Any suggestions welcome. We are on 2017 R3 / P8

  • 2.  RE: blocking backspace usage

    Posted 11-29-2017 14:02
    Interesting... Custom scripts, or Basic Scripter interface?

  • 3.  RE: blocking backspace usage

    Posted 11-29-2017 14:38
    Since Scripter is using IE I did a little searching on Google and found this website: http://bluetechstorm.com/disable-backspace-key-in-your-browser-and-save-going/. Apparently you can disable use cursor keys to navigate which should stop backspace from working but will mess up all other key presses to navigate. I have not tested this in scripter and such would suggest you test this in dev before attempting to roll this out to production.

  • 4.  RE: blocking backspace usage

    Posted 11-29-2017 14:47
    Here is the snippet that we have used successfully for the last few years in our custom scripts. This is specific as it allows the backspace to be used in elements that have the id attribute of 'commentinput' document.onkeydown = function(e){ try{ var focusedElement = document.activeElement; var id = focusedElement.getAttribute("id"); if(!e) e = window.event; if(id != "commentinput" && e.keycode == 8) { event.preventDefault(); } }catch(err){}; };

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