You will still want to double check the customization points. Although rare I have seen customization point input/output parameters change between versions. But at mentioned this typically doesn't happen so you should be good.
One last note on custom handlers. If the handler is completely custom, meaning it is a completely new subroutine, it should be fine on the upgrade as the upgrade script will only publish subroutines that come with the system. However, for instance CustomSubroutineInitatorRouter is the subroutine you would call a custom handler from attendant so it is possible that CustomSubroutineInitatorRouter could be modified and you would need to reassociate your custom handlers.
In regards to tool steps they sometimes change but I don't think I have seen one change since the code base was changed to 4.0 so you should be fine there.
I hope you are testing the upgrade in a non-prod environment before upgrading which if there are quirky behavior you should see it there. Obviously based on how you use the system you probably won't be able to test everything but if the majority of the system works that is a pretty good indicator that the system is OK.
Mark Tatera
Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer. Any suggestions or programming changes I suggest come with no warranty and should be tried at your own risk.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-23-2018 11:50
From: Juan Antonio Ortega
Subject: Upgrades: any impact on handlers?
Thx Paul & Mark for your answers.
I understand from your answers that if we have only used "Customization points" to adapt custom handlers then we are safe. Would like to point out that thoroughly testing 150 custom handlers is simply not feasible. Tend to think that if the handler gets published without any warnings or errors then it should be working as expected (and tested with the previous version).
In the case of the system handlers it seems that these require ultra-special attention. OK.
Any other suggestions or tips are welcome.
Once more, thank you very much for helping me. Greatly appreciated.
Juan Antonio Ortega
Datapoint Iberica S.A.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-23-2018 06:17
From: Juan Antonio Ortega
Subject: Upgrades: any impact on handlers?
Hi all.
We are studying the possibility of upgrading our platform from Pureconnect 2016R3 to 2018R1. The only doubt we have is regarding handlers since we have many customized handlers and a few modified system handlers. Does anybody know if the upgrade should be seamless? Any major issues? Any recommendations?
I come from a PureEngage world where upgrading Genesys had very minor impact on strategies (the equivalent of handlers), but perhaps ININ products behave differently.
Juan Antonio Ortega
Datapoint Iberica S.A.