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Agent Auto answer UI change

  • 1.  Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-08-2023 16:05
    Edited by Anton Vroon 01-08-2023 16:05
    Hey, was there an unannounced UI change for agents?

    When staff are getting calls, who are on auto answer, they now get this pop up. Pretty sure they didn't use to get this (or have I just not noticed it until now?)
    Has this always been there? Or is this new? If it is new, was there any announcement for this?

    Anton Vroon

  • 2.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-08-2023 17:10
    We also have staff reporting they are not getting a ring tone for those auto answer calls like they use to. I don't think its related as not sure why a UI change would effect that, but it is another symptom.

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-08-2023 22:44
    Hi Anton, have the same exact change happening in our Org, agents are receiving a single beep instead of the traditional dial sound for an incoming call, and same notification pop up

    Frank Gordon
    Individual Only Contact Account

  • 4.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 03:35
    HI Anton, We have the same issues form our side, was there an update this weekend? Can we change the call pickup tone ourselves ?

    Hugo Mahieu
    Admiral Intermediary Services SA

  • 5.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 03:30
    Was informed about the same behaviour here in the Netherlands.

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 6.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 05:14
    Edited by Iason Mylonakis 01-09-2023 06:52
    We  also received complaints from customers (EMEA Frankfurt region) using auto answer regarding the lack of ringing sound.

    An official answer would be greatly appreciated.

    Iason Mylonakis
    Mellon Technologies Systems and Services Commercial S.A.

  • 7.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 06:42
    Interesting... That's not the behaviour we're getting (in Canada org region). We still get the same as always.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 8.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 04:06
    I tested this again this morning and I'm not getting the ring any more, but I'm also not getting that new UI popup.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 09:10
    We are getting the same behaviour reported for our Cdn org and our US East org.  Agents do not like the update.

    Penny Petrie
    Camis Inc

  • 10.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 09:23
    We reported a case over the weekend and this was the response:
    I discussed this behavior with our Development team. I received further details on what the expected behavior is to be.
    When auto answer is enable, internal users should be able to hear just the "Tone" to notify of an incoming call. The "ringing" should not be present and was previously identified as a bug when it did occur with auto answer interactions.Development recently implemented a chance to correct this Bug. Details provided:
    • This was an intentional change to fix the "ringtone" as it was an intermittent issue that should not have been present
    • "ringtone" here specifically applies to the audible Alert that happens at the same time the UI Toast notification pops
    • The tone played to the agent for auto answered calls to indicate that there is an incoming call should be unaffected by this change
    • Whether there should have been prior notification about the change was decided by PM that since this an issue that is fixed by the change, one was not needed, as the "ringtone" (or audible Alert) is not expected behavior
    Since you are still hearing the ringing in your test environment, I would like to compare a few things between the two.
    What app is being used between your test environment and the production user? WebApp (Chrome...etc) or desktop application>
    What version of the applications are also being used between the two environments?This more of a UI issue with the alerting, So I may need to engage additional resource from their team on this matter.
    So the Ringing should not actually be playing on auto answer ACD interactions. This was to be a fix for a bug. Now we just need to establish any potential differences in the environment that is still playing the Ringing for these Auto answer interactions

    We have reported the following as well on this case from more observations from our staff:
    There is a beep, but with the pop-up that doesn't go away after you get a call, you don't get a beep or a whisper. which is the other issue.
     You do get the pop-up notification sound that sounds the same as receiving a message on Genesys
     that's basically all we have to go off of if we don't close the pop-up.

    Penny Petrie
    Camis Inc

  • 11.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-09-2023 14:13
    This is how it is supposed to work?

    Considering since we became Genesys customers this is not how it has worked, so at least 2 years this has been the normal behavior. To determine comms is not needed since what has been in place for at minimum 2 years as it was a bug, is actually not acceptable. We are certainly not the only Genesys customer that has joined since that 'bug' has been in place, there absolutely should have been comms as it has really impacted our staff. They feel they are not ready for the call. This is especially exasperated on our site since sometimes there is a short delay in network traffic resulting in that beep not being heard. 

    How is this a bug anyway? It is pretty common industry wide, across different products for there to be a ring for incoming calls, even auto answer calls.

    Would really like an official response from Genesys on this.

    Anton Vroon

  • 12.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 11:09
    We are also seeing the popup and having inconsistent alerting/ringing with our agents. Opened a ticket prior to finding this thread.

    Hopefully this is simply a bug that will be rectified quickly rather than a planned (yet surprise and not configurable) change.

    Tim Arnold
    Alegeus Technologies

  • 13.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 13:50
    Received an update on our ticket... response is in-line with what Penny heard and shared above:

    After discussions with the service team, it was decided that a rollback will not happen due to the following:
    -This was an intentional change to fix the "ringtone" as it was an intermittent issue that should not have been present
    -"ringtone" here specifically applies to the audible Alert that happens at the same time the UI Toast notification pops
    -The tone played to the agent for auto-answered calls to indicate that there is an incoming call should be unaffected by this change
    The current experience is the expected behavior when using Auto Answer Setup. For agents on auto-answer, the "ringing" will only be experienced on the first call of the day or the next call after Persistent Connection has dropped. But once Persistent Connection is active, the agents will only hear a beep tone as the line is already considered connected at that time.

    Tim Arnold
    Alegeus Technologies

  • 14.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 14:09
    We're also following this thread. Our agents really appreciated the brief "ring" they would hear before the whisper tone - this change in functionality is very jarring. 
    Also, did we happen to miss a notice from Genesys that this change was coming through? 


    Cory King
    IT Lead
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 15.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 15:18
    We were also caught off-guard by the changes. Like the rest of you our reps prefer the brief ring. Here is what we were told:

     The change initiated is a fix of a bug in which ringtones are not supposed to be there for autoanswer setup.

     After discussions with the service team, it was decided that a rollback will not happen due to the following:

    This was an intentional change to fix the "ringtone" as it was an intermittent issue that should not have been present

    -"ringtone" here specifically applies to the audible Alert that happens at the same time the UI Toast notification pops

    -The tone played to the agent for auto-answered calls to indicate that there is an incoming call should be unaffected by this change

     The current experience is the expected behavior when using Auto Answer Setup. For agents on auto-answer, the "ringing" will only be experienced on the first call of the day or the next call after Persistent Connection has dropped. But once Persistent Connection is active, the agents will only hear a beep tone as the line is already considered connected at that time.

    Tim Eastman
    Victory Capital

  • 16.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-09-2023 16:11
    A beep or a ring, can we not just have the ring? if that is the preference? Or let us decide as setting to either play a beep or to select from one of the ringtones?

    But the lack of communication is the biggest issue here, if we had known about this change we could have prepared our staff. Saying no notification was needed as it was fix to a bug despite it effecting front line staff is just not acceptable.

    Anton Vroon

  • 17.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-09-2023 16:17
    I've created an idea to bring back the feature of deciding what staff hear when a call arrives for those persistent connections please vote

    Anton Vroon

  • 18.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 12:45
    I am with you here the lack of communication is grating with me on something I perceive a major change, the perception is IT have made a change without notification or discussion with the business.

    The new toast popup is certainly something I have not seen happen before

    The agents are complaining all over the place, mainly due to them not wanting to wear a headset constantly and by losing the alert they don't know they have a call unless they have the chrome screen open, despite having screen pops opening and a whisper and our CRM opening.  While I have some sympathy with them, I do keep mine on all day and don't even think about it.

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 19.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-09-2023 16:13
    It's interesting how they say

    But once Persistent Connection is active, the agents will only hear a beep tone as the line is already considered connected at that time.
    We do not have persistent connection activated, yet we are still observing this behaviour.  Does anyone have persistent connection enabled?

    Penny Petrie
    Camis Inc

  • 20.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-09-2023 16:35
    We have a mixture, and the beep seems to happen for staff without persistent connection and with.
    We will need to raise it as a case with Genesys, suggest you do the same.

    Anton Vroon

  • 21.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 01:57
    Dear All
    The dropping of the ringtone prior to auto-answer has also been noticed by Australia / New Zealand users.

    A note that the 'beep tone' being discussed is only heard if a whisper prompt has not been configured on the queue. If a whisper prompt is configured on the queue it will be played to user on auto-answer. Typically the whisper is used to announce which queue the call is for, but naturally it also gives warning a call has dropped in.

    Whilst the whisper prompt should be kept short (<3s recommended), a work around (if really needed) could be to use a whisper prompt that includes a short recorded ringtone at the start...

    Thanks and regards
    Blair Wilkinson
    CVT (Global) Pty Ltd

  • 22.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 04:10
    we configure our whispers as part of a data table, and I successfully injected a beep into the whisper, I agree with Genesys that it was probably a bug as with auto answer there is no need for an audible alert, as the agents should have a headset on, I am more annoyed with the lack of comms around these constant changes and apparent lack of testing

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 23.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 08:03
    I think a whisper tone counts as extra queueing time so appreciated the brief ring

    Michael Lynch

  • 24.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-18-2023 07:41
    Whisper is part of handling time

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 25.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 08:47
    I think whisper's count as queuing time dont they?

    Michael Lynch
    ARI Services Europe Limited

  • 26.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 09:35
    We're getting reports from our staff that (occasionally) agents aren't getting whisper tones any more. I'm not certain if this new issue is related to the recent change, but i'm betting it is. We're still investigating this new issue.

    Cory King
    IT Lead
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 27.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 09:43

    Could be related? This was bout constant ringing of phone, even when picked up by auto answer.
    But this recent fix was already done on Dec 17th, 2022. 

    First report on this problem was from 2 days ago. And I also got feedback that it started around last Sunday. 
    By the way. Whisper tone with us seems still to be working.

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 28.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 10:26
    In our org, I consistently find that agents who report missing whisper tones are using personal wireless/Bluetooth headsets that are slow to wake.  The whisper tone essentially wakes the device but is missed.  Testing on a company provided wired USB headset always resolves the issue.

    Raymond Hicks
    Sutter Health

  • 29.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 13:50
    Thanks, @Raymond Hicks! I appreciate the advice!
    After some troubleshooting on our end, we've found that clearing the browser cache (appears) to have resolved our whisper tone issue. I'm not certain what may have been cached or if this issue is related to the recent changes for auto-answer. ​

    Cory King
    IT Lead
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 30.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-10-2023 12:21
    Our organization is not on Auto Answer, however, we have one work at home agent that is getting this message.   We have a ticket in with our vendor.

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

  • 31.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-10-2023 14:39
    Edited by Anton Vroon 01-10-2023 22:15
    Just a quick update.

    So auto answer, regardless of persistent connection or not, will no longer have the ring, just the beep. 
    This was an intentional change, apparently the ring was causing issues globally.

    Certainly from our perspective the biggest issue here was the lack of communication, with priori notice we could have set expectations and prepared staff and this would not have been a big deal. I certainly hope if they do make any further changes or apply any other fixes regarding this, that we will know about those in advance.

    EDIT: Just so people are aware, this isn't just Inbound, Outbound campaigns (progressive) also just get a beep and the pop up shared.

    Anton Vroon

  • 32.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-11-2023 01:24

    Also, Anton, we also found that if you change a user from Auto answer to Manual answer to ring tone isn't played until you refresh the browser cache.

    I agree with you on the main issue with this change is that it wasn't communicated to us and the customer prior. When I called Genesys support, they weren't even aware of any changes being rolled out over the weekend.

    Very poor :-(


    Michael Lechte
    Senior Pre-sales, Tech Support Specialist
    QPC Australia

  • 33.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-16-2023 13:20
    I have customers with this issue and it is very frustrating. I agree with all the comments above.
    Anyway, we have noticed that when using the desktop App, it doesn't affect all users (some still get the ring, which they want.) I suspect it's a versioning issue, but can't prtove it since Genesys have been unresponsive in saying what the version number was where this was released.
    It seems that the issue is primarily that the whisper beep is too short / quiet / easily missed (especially given all of the other random beeps Windoze constantly makes!) There is also the potential issue of Bluetooth headsets sleeping and not activating quickly enough to play the beep,
    I did think about changing the whisper tone to be the ring tone, but have not been successful in obtaining the wav file (I asked Genesys as part of the same ticket.) Think this would help?

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 34.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 01-19-2023 09:33
    Failure to communicate another change is a continuing frustraion. We have all lost time attempting to troubleshoot a problem that did not exist.

    Bruce Lambert
    Bright Horizons Family Solutions LLC

  • 35.  RE: Agent Auto answer UI change

    Posted 02-27-2023 01:27

    I managed to get the ringtone file via Chrome console log. Feel free to check it here:

    I shortened it a bit but even a 2-second ring for whisper throw the agents off

    Niel Christian Vicente

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