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Chat Utilization

  • 1.  Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-09-2023 09:32

    We currently have chats setup for a maximum of 4 per Agent. Our problem is these chats are evenly distributed so sometimes an Agent can get 2 chats while others might not have any at all. Would be work to just set the chats for a maximum of 1? What would happen if everyone is on a chat and another one comes in? Or is there something in the routing that should be changed instead?


    Slade Benda
    Mayo Employees Federal Credit Union

  • 2.  RE: Chat Utilization
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-10-2023 08:07

    Slade - routing and utilization work hand-in-hand so that interactions are distributed across the contact center floor.  Typically this is done based on agent availability and as such if you have some agents taking longer than others on their interactions you could see an uneven distribution with agents who are finishing up their work more quickly.  

    In your example - if utilization is set to 4 for chat for each agent - and assuming you have chats set to interrupt other media - i would expect the first chat in to go to agent A, the second to agent B, and so on and on the 5th chat - it would go back to agent A again...assuming all chats came in quickly and those that were connected ran for a while, once all the agents had 4 chats - the next chat would queue up.  As soon as one chat was finished (by any of those agents), the waiting chat would be connected.  We wouldn't wait for agent A to come back around to be 'first' again - its not round robin in that way.

    How are your interrupt settings currently defined?  Can a chat interrupt a call or an email?  (If the agent were connected to one of those and chats were not set to interrupt, the chat may not make it to the agent until they are completely free from other interactions.)

    Take a look through the resource center on our utilization info - it should help clarifiy.

    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 3.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-12-2023 17:42

    Hi @Chris Bohlin 

    We notice this behaviour for web messaging as well where it doesn't distribute evenly.

    For example, we have 5 agents in the message queue and they all have their utilisation set to 3 messages at a time.

    As messages come through,  what we experience is that Agent A will get the first 3 messages whilst Agent B through E don't get anything until the 4 message.

    When we raised this behaviour through Genesys support thinking this wasn't working properly - they told us the system is working as designed and the only way to stop this behaviour was to reduce the amount of concurrent messages.

    It would be great if the workload could be more evenly distributed.


  • 4.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-13-2023 08:48

    Thanks, Jeff - this is news to me but let me check with the Web Messaging PM.

    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 5.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-13-2023 09:30

    Slade/Jeff - I spoke to the PM lead for web messaging and this is not an expected outcome.  I'd like to ask that you both open tickets with care with detailed examples.   Here is some of the info needed?

    • Region
    • OrgID
    • AgentID(s)
    • ConversationId(s)

    If you could list the order of the conversations and which agentID received which - that would help care track this down.



    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 6.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 08-31-2023 13:18

    Hi @Chris Bohlin piggy backing on this conversation as it is related to Web messaging, We are about to transition  over to Genesys and a question asked was if you have an Agent with 4 concurrent chats and they want to go on a break would the best option to ramp down this would be to put themselves into Mandatory discretionary in order to stop future messages coming through. Would this be the recommended option and would there be any adverse impact to adherence as a result of this (assuming they take a while to close all of there chats)


    Kieran Mcloughlin
    J Sainsbury PlcSenior Product Manager

  • 7.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 09-06-2023 05:42

    This is an interesing discussion going on. Currently we have just set up web messaging for one department. Created separate queue for this and staff is either in  only in this queue or in the other normal queue for picking up calls. 
    We have to monitor how this goes with routing and utilization. 

    I'll keep an eye on this thread.

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 8.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-13-2023 09:32

    Ignoring Skills for a minute, Genesys Cloud ACD sends new interactions to the Agent who has been available the longest. Availability is the time since the last ACD interaction disconnected. (Although there are some settings for when they go offline etc.)

    So, if Agent A is the one who has been available the longest, they get a chat, nothing else happens and another comes in, they will still be the agent who has been available the longest, so if they have the capacity they will get the second chat as well.

    Of course, if Agent A was already on a chat and between the first and second chats mentioned above arriving, disconnects that pre-existing chat, then a different agent may well have been available the longest, so get the next one.

    It isn't really related to when the chats were delivered, but more when they were completed.


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 9.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-14-2023 08:03

    Yes, that is true, Paul - but if your agents handle times are similar, over time you should see a fairly even distribution of interactions. 

    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 10.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 02-14-2023 08:45

    Also true, however the OP was asking why at any given moment, an agent on a chat would get another one when a second agent was idle.

    As you say, over time, it should even itself out.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 11.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 06-27-2023 22:26

    So what's the final say on this one guys?  It should even itself out isn't an answer that a business will necessarily accept, as it does mean that at times you've got agents idle but one or more agents getting hammered with multiple interactions.  That type of thing is picked up on pretty quickly.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 12.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 06-28-2023 00:53

    Hi Vaun,

    We were eventually able to discern the routing discrepency in our web messages was due to 'last agent routing':

    Despite having a team of staff available, it will keep hammering the same agent multiple times for the same interaction - even if we've subsequently removed them from the queue.

    This is a 'feature' from Genesys that can't be turned off.

    We've since given up on trying to handle multiple web messages at once because we can't afford to have one staff member constantly getting work and the others sitting there idle (especially when that person first starts the shift before the others, they are more likely to have this continued conversation throughout the day).


  • 13.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 06-28-2023 01:58

    Thanks Jeff, so if we're using the disconnect/end session function we shouldn't really this issue as each new message after that creates a new interaction/thread.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 14.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 06-28-2023 02:28

    In theory it should - as we considered dropping the messaging threading timeline as another possible way to reduce the impact but didn't end up testing/confirming this would make a difference.

    The only other option was to use 'Preferred agent routing' as the last agent routing doesn't get used with this routing method - but we didn't want to use this either.

    Otherwise there's also an idea to be able to control/disable last agent routing behaviour as well:


  • 15.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 09-08-2023 06:17
    Edited by Rolph Lieverse 09-08-2023 06:20

    Today I received some feedback that is similar to this. Agents being given an message interaction while not even active on the specific queue where messages are assigned to. 
    Unfortunatly I cannot confirm at this moment if this was already a message previously handled by the agent and due to threading timeline of 72 hours is again delivered to this agent, only active in another queue. 

    The message configuration on disconnect is currently on 'display conversation status'. 
    Would it be wise to change this into 'display conversation status and disconnect session' ?  Or would that not change anything?

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 16.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 07-10-2023 10:42

    Part of the problem here is that different sites want diametrically opposite behaviors.

    For example, say you have agents who can take multiple interaction types. To simplify matters, lets only think of real-time (synchronous) interactions (so Calls and Chats) and let us assume we have the system set up for 4 simultaneous Chats and 1 Call, with neither able to interrupt the other. (This would make sense, since being on a call would probably occupy 100% of the agent's attention, but they should be able to "multi-task" chats without discernable impact on the CX - as long as the number of chats is kept fairly low!) OK, so say we have 4 agents logged in and on queue, and 4 chats in progress. If these were evenly distributed to the agents (one each) and a call came in, then no single agent would have the capacity for that call and so it would wait in queue.

    Let us take this to the extreme, if there is a continuous flow of incoming chats, with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 at any given time, we could get a situation where agents are, at most, 50% utilized, yet no calls ever get answered!

    By "filling up" agents (i.e. assigning 4 chats to Agent 1 before moving on to Agent 2) we will have a situation where there is more likely to be an agent completely idle, to take the call.

    Either way, there will be downsides, and I guess Genesys could add a queue setting to control whether an "even spread" or a "fill one agent, then the next" approach is used for each queue, but I can bet that folks would then want that to be schedulable, or based on some other metric-based criteria....

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 17.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 09-05-2023 08:35

    Our messaging team has actually decided to dramatically reduce agents on messaging channel due to this issue.  I don't understand how least occupied routing is not a simple fix.  We too had some agents handling most of the inbound messages while another mix of agents were idle or very low volume.  Unfortunately the powers that make decisions at my company have decided to drop messaging for the time being. 

    Clayton Curtis
    Enova Online Services, Inc.

  • 18.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 09-06-2023 13:37

    Hi folks - just wanted to chime in on this conversation.  All good points and I want to make it known that we aren't saying we will NOT do a tall vs. wide utilization distribution - just that its not on our roadmap in the next 6 months as we have a really deep backlog of other great features already lined up.  We understand the ask and Paul does a more eloquent job that I would have done outlining the issues in his last post.

    I do think we'll be able to tackle this at some point in the future, I'm just not sure how far out into the future that is.



    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 19.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 09-06-2023 13:49

    Chris, I appreciate your effort on other great features, but when the business has decided to stop using the product all together due to utilization issues, then those features won't be seen.  Having idol agents vs. over stacked agents has just become a show stopper.  By the way, it doesn't seem like it would be a huge lift for fix. 

    Clayton Curtis
    Enova Online Services, Inc.

  • 20.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 04-10-2024 10:19

    Hi folks.

    I look forward to some of the new features/fixes in this space.

    In the meantime, would this option in Global Settings be of any use.  It resets the 'routing score' based on status change rather than last interaction.

    When enabled, all queue routing methods will use changes in agent presence to reset the ACD routing score. This will result in interactions being delivered to the agent who has been sitting in idle/available the longest intra-day. By default, interactions are routing based on the 'time since last interaction'.

    Adam Meney
    IP Integration Limited

  • 21.  RE: Chat Utilization

    Posted 04-10-2024 10:29

    thanks for reply Adam, we looked at this but we think this is global setting and would affect our voice/email channels also. 

    Clayton Curtis
    Enova Online Services, Inc.

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