Hi Robert - I am assuming you are trying to measure the total abandons that occur below some target duration. I think there are a couple of ways you can approach this.
1st method will bucket abandons into duration bins that can be reported on.
- Define your distributions (bin sizes) in the Workgroup container > Configuration tab > Configure Service Levels. The 1st bin would be your short duration threshold.
- You can then view distribution volumes in the Queue Summary and Detail report
- You could also view this data in the database view > [IWrkgrpQueueStats > [nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1]
Next method would require you to have the Track Routing Exceptions option enable in the Interaction Tracker Configuration.
- You could then dynamically report on abandons from an alternate database view > [EE_AbandonEvents_viw] where [TimeInQueue] <= X.
Hope this helps.
Raymond Hicks
Sutter Health
Original Message:
Sent: 06-23-2022 06:18
From: Robert John Minano
Subject: Configure short abandon threshold
Hi everyone! How do we check the threshold for short abandoned and is there a way we can configure this? Thanks in advance!
Jhen Miñano
Accenture Solutions Private Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 06-22-2022 15:31
From: Robert John Minano
Subject: Configure short abandon threshold
Hi everyone! How do we check the threshold for short abandoned and is there a way we can configure this?
Jhen Miñano
Accenture Solutions Private Limited