There are a couple things you can do. You can build an in-queue flow that changes the priority of the call while it is in queue. So, the first step before the hold music would be the update to this priority. Then assign this in-queue flow to the queue inside of the UI. This will invoke this in queue flow every time the queue is dialed internally.
This works great as long as there are calls in queue. Sometimes, if no calls are in queue, this causes the call to alert to the rep twice.
The second thing you could do, is create a dummy queue with an in queue that just contains a transfer to ACD action, and send that to the desired queue with the desired priority. You would just need to then instruct your reps to call that new queue when they want to reach the ISQ agents.
Jason Tripp
Independent Health Association, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 05-31-2022 13:40
From: Penny Petrie
Subject: Consult Transfer
Hi all,
Looking for some advice. We are currently using Consult Transfer for internal staff to reach our Internal Support Queue(ISQ) so the calls are recorded. Agents on the ISQ are also on other queues that have ACD routing set up. The problem is, the ISQ agents are getting the ACD routed calls first as they are assigned a priority. Is there any way we can make the Consult Transfer calls a priority over any other calls?
Thanks in advance!
#Architect/Routing #Interactionrouting(ACD)
Penny Petrie
Camis Inc