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  • 1.  Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 01-10-2024 15:05
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    For Digital Channels we will be updating the information stored in the participantName field for Conversation and Analytics API for the ACD and Workflow participants.  This allows for consistent data to be stored and accessed across Digital Channels.

    With the change in the participantName data the Interaction Details Timeline view for Digital Channels is also updated.  The description of the ACD and Workflow segments in the Interaction Details Timeline view will be updated to show new information.

    See the attachment for more details on this change and how it impacts the data and the Interaction Details Timeline view.

    For more information on this change, see the developer announcement for API changes here and the idea to follow here.


    Katie Ritz
    Sr Director Product Management
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact
    Best Answer

    Posted 02-15-2024 14:18

    This change has been approved for release and will roll out through each of our regions Wednesday 2/21/2024 through Friday 2/23/2024 per our release cycle.

    Katie Ritz
    Sr Director Product Management
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 04:52

    Hi, dear Katie! 

    Do you think you could share the status of this release? 

    We still continue to see the connector time and not the acd queue name.

    Ekaterina Kononova

  • 4.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 08:16

    Hi Ekateria -- Apologize we had to move one set of regional rollouts to Monday evening (2/26).  The last set of remaining regions will be enabled with the change at 8 PM EST today (2/26).  Those regions are as follows: 

    US East



    All other regions have already been enabled.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Katie Ritz
    Sr Director Product Management
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 08:26

    Thank you! Looking forward to it!

    Ekaterina Kononova

  • 6.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 13:19

    Hi Katie

    I'm still gathering info and awaiting logs before raising a case, but have you heard of any issues on any of this being rolled out so far?  We have had reports of some issues in the UI around digital transactions in the last few days.  Specifically weird stuff like if an agent has a messaging and email interaction concurrently, they're seeing some participant name info in the "wrong" channel, ie name from email shows up as the "XXX has joined" in the messaging interaction.

    We're in the APSE2 (.COM.AU) region if that helps but certainly this doesn't seem to have reported until after the release window late last week.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 7.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 14:33

    Hi Vaun - Thanks for raising the concern.  I have not heard of any reports of this issue, but will check with my care team to see if there have been any other similar reports and if they might possibly be tied to this change.   APSE2 was enabled Friday morning local time around 1 AM (Thursday 9 EST).  Do you know if the issue was reported before or after that time?  

    Please do put in a support case when you get a chance and if you could let me know the ticket # I can follow up on possibly being related.  You can email me directly at

    Katie Ritz
    Sr Director Product Management
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Digital Channels Conversation & Analytics API Participate Name Update & UI Impact

    Posted 02-26-2024 14:38

    It's entirely possible based on the timing that this has only been reported after that release.  This customer doesn't work on weekends and it may have taken a day or so for this issue to become apparent and then get reported through the different levels to us.  Certainly can say I haven't had any reports anywhere prior to this.

    Vaun McCarthy

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