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  • 1.  Dynamics Data Action in a

    Posted 04-24-2023 13:01

    Hi all. I am using the dynamics data action "Get Contact by phone number" (in an inbound call flow) and "Get contact by email address" (in an inbound mail flow).
    In my email architect flow, I can see the success outputs and the failure outputs.
    It is useful for me because I analyse the error code if it is "too_many _results" , the script will be different.
    So I wanted to do the same in my voice flow. But in an inbound call flow, I don't see the failure outputs in my data action block.
    Why ??
    I would like to analyse the same error code "too_many_results" , but there is no "failure outputs". Is there something that I missed? 
    Is it possible to see them also in a voice flow?
    Thanks for your help

    #MicrosoftDynamics #DataAction #ArchitectFlow 


    Catherine DUPIRE

  • 2.  RE: Dynamics Data Action in a

    Posted 04-24-2023 13:06

    Data actions in call flows doesn't have failure outputs, sorry

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Dynamics Data Action in a

    Posted 04-24-2023 13:13

    Hi Melissa. Thanks for your quick answer.
    It's a pity !! :'( :'( 

    Catherine DUPIRE

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