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  • 1.  Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 03-27-2024 16:51


    I've searched and cannot find documentation on this. Has anyone attempted to connect a GC Org with AWS Polly for TTS that is hosted on AWS Gov Cloud? If so, did you have any luck. We aren't sure it is possible. We will be coming from a GC FedRAMP Org, if that matters.

    Fingers crossed someone has done this and can confirm it works.

    Thanks as always,




  • 2.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 04-01-2024 22:40

    You should see this when you add an Integration to your system.  Just click on Install.

    That will request your AWS credentials and then you can choose Poly voices in Admin and Architect.  Have you looked there?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 3.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 04-02-2024 22:14

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for the reply! 

    We are able to connect with AWS Polly hosted in AWS public/commercial cloud. We're keen on using AWS Polly hosted from AWS GovCloud and unsure if Genesys Cloud can successfully authenticate/integrate with AWS GovCloud for the Polly service. Before we attempt, just curious if anyone has attempted and was successful. We have heard there may be issues connecting to GovCloud.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Thanks again,



  • 4.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 04-02-2024 22:27

    So, we have about 10 FedRAMP customers on about 30 ORGs.  I did try a dev org and it took the integration and credentials.  I am sure if that works then you should have no problem.  Have you looked at the Genesys Enhanced TTS voices?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 5.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 04-04-2024 22:55
    Edited by Shane Jenkins 04-05-2024 13:13

    Thanks again for the response! 

    So you were able to connect AWS Polly hosted out of AWS GovCloud (Think Polly is only available in AWS Gov cloud west region) from a FedRAMP GC instance? 

    If so that's excellent news. Fingers crossed, we don't want to get w our AWS rep and spin this up if the connectivity/authentication simply won't work. We weren't sure if the integration would work as expected when using Polly in GovCloud vs. AWS commercial cloud. 

    If you're able to confirm, then we'll begin moving forward. 

    Thanks again,



  • 6.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud

    Posted 04-11-2024 09:35

    Hi Robert,

    Happen to have a chance to double-check this for us? We were able to secure an AWS GovCloud sandbox, but we cannot get the AWS IAM Polly role created as it throws an error when we attempt to use the FedRAMP Account ID. 

    Are you able to confirm you successfully got GC FedRAMP connected w Polly in GovCloud?

    Also, seems like the Polly integration in GC is wanting a specific ARN format and not something like "arn:aws-us-gov:iam..."

    We are hoping to get confirmation on this capability so we can press our AWS team more if there are specific issues with our GovCloud Sandbox config. We also have a ticket open w Genesys Care.

    Thanks again!


  • 7.  RE: Genesys Cloud and AWS Polly TTS Gov Cloud
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-11-2024 14:35

    Hello Shane, 


    Connecting to AWS GovCloud is currently not supported. Both in fedramp and non fedramp. This is because of how the integration works and connects to AWS, we are setup to connect to the non gov cloud and that's it. 


    If you need GovCloud then I would open an Idea in our ideas portal

    Cameron Tomlin
    Online Community Manager/Moderator
    Genesys - Employees

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