Aviso Wealth Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2024 09:14
From: Maisey Harris
Subject: How export Queue reports for a date range
Hi Sherwin, Scheduled Exports of Queue Performance Detail currently allow you to select the granularity, so you could a month of data by day. For ad-hoc or unscheduled exports, we have a feature coming soon to allow configurable granularity support.
Here's what running a scheduled export for one queue would look like with a month range selected and granularity of one day.
You can also do this with multiple queues by selecting more than one queue in the Summary view, selecting "View as Group" and then in this export panel, also selecting "Split Filters" if you'd like to see the queue data split per-queue.
The configuration for doing this with an unscheduled export will be similar, and as I said that feature will be coming soon. Hopefully that helps!
Maisey Harris
Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting
Original Message:
Sent: 02-22-2024 09:11
From: Sherwin Liddell
Subject: How export Queue reports for a date range
Thanks for the reply Breno, do you know how I can export multiple days of the Queue Performance report, I currently only know how to export 1 day at a time, how can I get a report with multiple days on 1 report
Sherwin Liddell
Aviso Wealth Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2024 13:10
From: Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco
Subject: How export Queue reports for a date range
Hi Sherwin,
You created this discurssion in the Workforce Engagement Management community, the report Workforce data is grouped.
I recommend you use a Contact Report - "Queue Activity" and "Queue Performace", but if you need detailed information, I recommend you use "Interactions" Report.
Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2024 12:31
From: Sherwin Liddell
Subject: How export Queue reports for a date range
I can export a queue report for a date range, but how can you get the raw data for each individual day for a month without having to export every day
Sherwin Liddell
Aviso Wealth Inc.