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Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

  • 1.  Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-16-2022 12:12
    Hello everyone -

    We have a customer group that we are advising that is considering migrating their current PureConnect environment to AWS. For some background - they are also considering migrating to Genesys Cloud and are aware of the upcoming EOS and EOL dates for PureConnect. What they are specifically asking about is the technical feasibility of such a migration. As for the environment - there are about 1200 agents, 50 servers in data centers spread out across North America, EMEA, and APJ. These servers include 20+ Media Servers and 8 OSSM servers. The core telephony components are SIP trunks terminating to Ribbon SBC devices in data centers in the 3 regions.

    What I would like to know - is there anyone out there who has tried something similar - and if so - could you share how it went along with the pros and cons of such a move?


    Ken Shea

    Kenneth Shea

  • 2.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-17-2022 08:52

    Hi Ken,

    Long time no chat!  Hope you are well!

    I have to ask,  imagining the effort to move PC to AWS, and PC's fate is sealed,  why would they not just go directly to Genesys Cloud CX?

    Knowing you,  I am sure you have discussed this with key stakeholders.   Also the obvious, feature parity between PC & GC is not there yet.

    I just completed my Genesys Cloud Certified Professional (GCP-GC) certification, already identified 4-5 items that are substantially less powerful/flexible/granular  for the BPO space, and I am sure will have impact for some larger non-BPO deployments.  Found a couple solutions in App Foundry, but each add on adds "per agent" costs.  I see the per agent cost climbing.........

    I will be following this thread, to see where this goes, Good Luck!

    Feel free to reach out when you have a minute, so we can catch up.


    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer (Technical Lead)

  • 3.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-17-2022 10:26
    Hi Pete - thanks for the response!  We are strongly pushing for Genesys Cloud CX and have also shared with the stakeholders the situation regarding the end of sale, support, and life dates.  At this point they do see Genesys Cloud as a strong solution - but they mainly want to do their due diligence on all possibilities including moving to AWS - so we're mainly covering all of our bases here.

    On another note - I recently passed my GCP-GC as well - so congratulations on getting this cert as well!



    Kenneth Shea

  • 4.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-17-2022 10:28
    My biggest concern would be the Media Servers. AWS is essentially all virtualized and Media Servers , in particular, don't take kindly to being virtualized!

    Your second challenge will be the IC Server license. The Host ID is based on not only the MAC address of the NIC, but also the processor hardware ID. From experience, I can tell you that hosting IC in a Virtual cluster isn't a walk in the park!

    Just a couple of random thoughts / comments ;-)

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 5.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-17-2022 10:53
    Thanks Paul for the response - much appreciated.  Hearing this feedback from someone with your experience is very valuable information that we will pass on to our stakeholders.


    Kenneth Shea

  • 6.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-17-2022 11:20

    Thank you - high praise indeed! Although I have been known to be wrong (not often, but it has been known!)

    My experience, as you know, was from the classroom. What we found was that when we used local Hosts to0 virtualize (with managed MAC addresses), the Host ID would remain constant as long as the underlying hardware didn't change. So a cluster of DL360 G7's would all give the same Host ID for VMs, but it would be different from those given by, say, a DL360 G8 (although all G8 would be the same).

    When the Labs went to the cloud, we had to work with the cloud provider to ensure that they didn't move the VMs around, at random, according to their load / business needs.

    Now, it may be that Genesys have a solution for this for services like AWS, but I would recommend investigating this before putting too much more effort into that solution!

    Good luck!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 7.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-18-2022 09:23
    Hello Team,

    I want to piggie back on this conversation, as I too have to look at options for our on prem Purecloud solution. As a side, we use a VM for everything for our Development environment, and I think the mac restrictions were removed after CIC2018, but i could be mistaken.

    1) I have heard going to the Cloud Genesys solution will not support custom handlers. Paul has seen the madness of my implementation in class, it is mostly 64 custom handlers, so I have ruled this out as an option as it would require an entire rework.
    2) this will not be a typical EOL, where the system will continue to work but we just have no support. The way i have understood EOL is July 2025, the current solution will not work.

    I am not entirely ruling out Cloud, but see it as 'since i have to reinvent the wheel, look at all options.'

    Any insight is appreciated

    Christopher Becker
    State of Michigan - Oakland County - WRC

  • 8.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-18-2022 10:17
    Thanks Christopher for the reply.  It sounds like we are in similar situations as to where are are now - and where we'd like to go.  We have been pushing hard to move to Genesys Cloud and would also have to convert the functionality in many custom handlers to processes in Genesys Cloud.  In our case I think that we could retire some of the old processes that use these custom handlers and utilize new and better processes in Genesys Cloud.  Our business however may not be ready to take on this migration in the near future - and that is why they are looking at options on how to extend the life of PureConnect in an AWS environment because we are also in the process of transitioning out of some data centers that currently host our PureConnect environment.



    Kenneth Shea

  • 9.  RE: Migrating a PureConnect 2021R3 environment from Premise to AWS

    Posted 11-18-2022 10:50