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  • 1.  MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-09-2023 11:58
    Edited by Renaud Larcier 08-10-2023 10:11


    You will have to excuse my poor technical expertise

    Wondering if any of you have had experience with migration from on premises edge (those were managed by a genesys reseller) to cloud edge Isip2. We use a Pureconnector integrated in Servicenow Utah. Servicenow and Pureconnector version are not suspects according to our investigations

    We started the migration on Aug 6 and we had so far 3 days of awfull experience. The moment the reseller enabled Hybrid media( on our edges I think) we started to have agents moving in Not responding loops (Status changing from NR to idle to Nr and so on ), then we had customer not hearing our agents or agents not able to place outbound calls ...All what was appearing to heal a bit the wound was to move webrtc phones from our agents from the pair of edges in FRannkfurh to the HKG edge's pair and vice versa , but next day those users would then suffer again ....

    The issue has been escalated to Genesys as per our reseller not sure where or who though and probably the cherish on the cake we have been told that there is no way back as per reseller (is that true ?)

    Any customer or Genesys network/edge specialists that can help us here ?


    Renaud Larcier 


    Renaud Larcier

  • 2.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-11-2023 08:28

    Network Traffic Analytics is helpful for your case. Get this from all the proxy servers and SBC that you pay services for. 

    It is simple to do in the Cloud, some URLs for references:

    Joseph Cheng
    Prilink Ltd

  • 3.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-21-2023 04:44

    thank you for your tip. I will have a look and see if I can get help from one of our network engineer to analyze those in future

    As per my other reply , We're slowly recovering from the migration attempt. Combination of overlaping issues that turned something relatively safe from an imact perspective (as per our reseller) into a nightmare. 

    Renaud Larcier

  • 4.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-11-2023 11:07
    Edited by Jan Heinonen 08-11-2023 11:07

    Hi Renaud,

    Hope this has been resolved by now.

    There's no way back from Hybrid to a non-Hybrid solution, but going hybrid shouldn't affect anything until you actually start to use the cloud edges.
    It's possible to have the system configured as a Premise, even if it's Hybrid so it sounds like there's some issue with either the telephony configuration or there's a networking issue somewhere.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 5.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-21-2023 04:41


    Sorry for my late reply but it has been 2 crazy weeks following that migration attempt. Thanks for having confirmed the no way back 

    Our reseller after having send logs to Genesys was told that our on premise edges were on the latest version that was causing the issue to our agents not yet migrated to cloud phone sites. Genesys removed that version then from the store

    After having downgraded the edges we noticed a slight improvement although we were still forced to move our agents from one non cloud site to another non cloud site as they were experiencing Not Responding loops 

    Moving them to cloud site was preventing them to make outbound calls and were not hearing customers.

    Reseller then changed something in the hybridmedia/trunk area which helped to address the outbound issue.  Unfortunately when we thought now we can move all our agents to cloud phone's sites, agents started again to enter in Not Responding loops.... moving them to old phone's sites was sometimes helping. 

    Finally after having again send logs to Genesys, they discovered that a google chrome version 114,115,116 had introduced an experimental feature tht was causing the WebRTC pop up window to close after a few seconds. Disabling that feature in Chrome helped. 

    We have unfortunately experienced the hard way the fact our reseller only limited ability have to investigate logs and they had to rely on Genesys to provide them with answers

    We still have to migrate now all the remaining users to cloud sites, in the hope nothing happens ... and then move DID/trunks to the cloud.

    thank you again for your help 

    Renaud Larcier

  • 6.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-21-2023 13:55

    Hi Renaud ,

    Can you please let us know which was the feature , or what was disabled - the exact name for :

    Finally after having again send logs to Genesys, they discovered that a google chrome version 114,115,116 had introduced an experimental feature tht was causing the WebRTC pop up window to close after a few seconds. Disabling that feature in Chrome helped. 

    Girish Vibhute
    Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

  • 7.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-22-2023 11:50
    Edited by Brian Jones 08-22-2023 11:50

    @Girish Vibhute - We ran into this as well. Below is what Genesys Support sent us--hope it helps:

    "There is an ongoing investigation by our development team regarding a known issue with a new experimental feature released by Chrome that is affecting any CRM client: Storage Partitioning - Chrome Developers

    We ask that all affected customers explicitly disable this setting to prevent the behavior while we investigate the long term solution on our side.

    This can be disabled by navigating directly to chrome://flags/#third-party-storage-partitioning in the browser and explicitly setting this configuration to Disabled. There are also a couple of ways to manage this at an enterprise level so that all users do not need to set this flag individually: 

    It appears that this setting is also present in other Chromium based browsers such as Edge and Brave, the flag location is identical other than the browser name specification so can be found at these locations: 



    As some have noted these browsers are not yet experiencing this issue as it appears they've not yet updated the default setting for it to be enabled, however the suggestion for the time being would still be to disable the setting so that a version update in the near future does not change that and begin causing the same issue with our client.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 8.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-23-2023 06:56

    Hello Brian

    Just Amazing !! Thanks a lot for the help I really appreciate it. It did resolve the issue when i did some testing for me and some of the users. I am going to do the same at the Enterprise level.

    Along with this if you can help , for some of the users initial call goes into the Not Responding - Basically the agents are not able to pick/ receive the call and then it goes to Not Responding Any solutions for that.
    I have tried to :
    -Clear the cache

    - Refreshed Browser 
    - Restarted the Application  and many more there seems no issue with the network either inside the company or at home.

    Girish Vibhute
    Varian Medical Systems, Inc.

  • 9.  RE: MIgration Hybrid media - Isip2

    Posted 08-23-2023 17:30
    Edited by Brian Jones 08-23-2023 17:31

    Glad that worked @Girish Vibhute. We'll just chalk it up to Divine intervention that I came across your thread :o)

    As for your other questions, I'm on similar hunt for answers to intermittent Not Responding issues despite having dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's. In fact, here are a couple threads you can read so you know you're not alone in your hunt:


    That said, the best thing you can do is open a Support Case for that particular issue (if you haven't already). The problem I've noticed [from the outside] is not enough people are opening tickets with Genesys or chiming in that they're having issues. As painful as the troubleshooting process is, that's the only way for us to gain any ground on such a random issue.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

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