Generally we call this "near real-time". The system processes these notifications as fast as its able and the data will make it to the end user once all the systems along the chain have done their job. The actual timing depends on the load on the region at the time, the lag on the user's internet connection, and the speed in which the user's machine can process the notification.
Ryan Legner
Staff Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX
Original Message:
Sent: 11-14-2023 12:56
From: Ali Raza
Subject: Refresh Interval
So i can say roughly 2-5 seconds ?
Ali Raza
Individual Only Contact Account
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2023 12:11
From: Richard Chandler
Subject: Refresh Interval
Hi Ali,
You might get an official answer as well but the Real Time Views are based on streaming the data as opposed to traditional real time reports which generally refresh a query. So the refresh rate in this case is however long it takes from the event occurring and being captured by an API and passing it to Analytics for the update in the browser. That should be real time or in real terms sub second.
Richard Chandler
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2023 09:45
From: Ali Raza
Subject: Refresh Interval
Can someone confirm the Performance Dashboards refresh rate ? I know they are usually real time but it takes sometime for data to be refreshed , what's that time ?
Ali Raza
Individual Only Contact Account