I'm just thinking back to my alcatel 4400 ACD standard contact centre.
When I built an ACD script I could test and would print.. as of then what agents it would target and their costing.
Was a beautiful tool.
Anyways just an idea and I thank you both for commenting and creating a discussion.
Original Message:
Sent: 10/2/2023 11:46:00 AM
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: RE: Routing checks
The conversationRoutingData does have some of that but not like PureConnect with the ACD Wait Reason.

Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 10-02-2023 11:00
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Routing checks
This is true, however my point is that Agent selection is extremely dynamic. It isn't just about what skills an agent has, and their proficiencies (which also varies depending on routing method) but also Agent availability / Interaction wait times, Utilization, On Queue status and so on. The endpoint you mention takes all of this into account in the moment. Simply performing a combined "who has these skills" outside of the interaction won't tell you much and, likely as not, will not help with determining what one Agent received a call ahead of another.
As Robert said, being able to see why an interaction is waiting would be helpful. Alternatively, Genesys need to provide a way to log the ACD calculations used at the time the Interaction was routed.
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 09-29-2023 11:48
From: damien collard
Subject: Routing checks
Not so much development there is already an ability to check queue/skillset status via data action or API.. which checks for on queue /skillset availability.
Surely there is a print mechnism surely of this variable but done in a UI button rather than just in the background :)
The use is for customer to quickly see who would get the next call.
damien collard
IP Integration Limited
Original Message:
Sent: 09-29-2023 10:42
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Routing checks
Whilst I understand the ask, and can see it being of some limited use, I'm not sure if the benefit is enough to justify the development effort. So much of ACD routing is dynamic, that it would be difficult to determine why a particular agent got a call based on a static snapshot.
I certainly like Robert's suggestion of having an "ACD wait reason" like we had in PureConnect.
Personally, when I had these requests in the PureConnect days, I'd turn up logging on the ACD subsystem and then go and find the interaction to follow through why Agent A got the call instead of Agent B. I don't think I ever found one where it was inexplicable, based on the stated business rules. Sadly, we don't have those kinds of logs in Genesys Cloud, however in some ways I'm glad since those were always wild goose chases and huge wastes of time! (Usually based on some Agent's or Supervisor's perception of reality.)
Understanding why an interaction is waiting in the moment would be incredibly useful - especially with complex skill combinations, but a "Simulate ACD"? I'm not so sure.
Just my 10 cents.
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 09-28-2023 03:32
From: damien collard
Subject: Routing checks
The method I wanted was like what I had in Alcatel standard ACD on the 4400 system it would print txt of who the call would hit/target from the acd script builder.
Original Message:
Sent: 9/28/2023 1:16:00 AM
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: RE: Routing checks
This is similar to my idea that the PM is looking into: Add actual routing status in Queue | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (aha.io). @Ryan Legner, you might want to merge these two. Damien has some good points over what I suggested. Essentially, you want the ACD Wait Reason that PureConnect has. I agree that we need this for many situations.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 09-22-2023 08:32
From: damien collard
Subject: Routing checks
Hi Guys,
Not sure if you will find this useful but as you know there is no way to see historically to see what agents are on queue, so when we get queries why is one agent receiving more calls than others for example.
I was thinking and created an idea https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/ideas/CERTNG-I-1792
This Idea is basically a routing check live now.
So we have Simulate routing similar to the simulate call button on trunk.
This will output to us maybe by skill or external number what route the call will take and who it would target.
This would allow managers/end user ability to see who the skill will target.
This would also allow implementation guys to view and prove their routing.
damien collard
IP Integration Limited