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SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

  • 1.  SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 01-27-2023 13:20

    I am building out an SMS Campaign and was reviewing some of the SMS Delivery Receipts that I am seeing and I only see two Message Statuses: Received and delivery-success. When I reviewed the resource center, I see that there are about 50 or so delivery receipts plausible. But, the two statuses that I see in my interface.. aren't in the list.

    • Does anyone know why this is?
    • Should I be seeing the delivery receipts mentioned in the resource center? I am not right now, and this seems odd.


    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 2.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 01-31-2023 08:51
    Hello Peter,

    I did notice this when I myself was running SMS outbound from a couple of weeks ago. In my case I encountered a delivery failure event because a tried sending to a landline number. I had three columns up - Delivery Status, Delivery Status Details, and Error Code. The combination of these three gave me proper information, but to your point nothing matched the receipts listed in that RC article.

    I have asked around and waiting on an answer. Although I admit it did not feel as crucial because I was getting the information I needed. I took it as Genesys Cloud simplifying the delivery receipt information for me.

    Nico Feliciano
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 01-31-2023 10:19
    Sweet, thanks Nico!

    I didn't realize the Error Code column was another column that had SMS delivery information. That's helpful.

    Looking forward to hearing back on what you learn, even if means an update to the RC :)


    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 4.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 02-01-2023 07:46

    @Peter Stoltenberg
    ​I believe this documentation page was trying to help identify failure delivery receipts, more than anything. But i can see how in it's current state, it can cause confusion. As it does show some other non failure statuses on it too (queued, sent, etc), but not all. We will look at adding the missing ones, thanks for bringing it up.
    As for received message status you saw, this is there to represent inbound messages to Genesys Cloud, so this would not exactly be considered a delivery receipt in the intended nature of the definition. You should only see this status on the customer purpose on the Genesys Cloud Conversation (inbound messages). And would be the only status you see for those messages. If the message didn't come to us (no delivery; due to carrier failure for instance) then it wouldn't exist on the Conversation at all. We couldn't represent the message with a delivery receipt, as it wouldn't exist. That's why received is the only status for those messages.
    For outbound messages like from a campaign purpose, then you should see some of the various delivery receipts listed on that page, including delivery-success. Which is not listed on that page yet, as you said. And also possibly some delivery-failed statuses, which would also contain an errorInfo object on the Conversation representing some of the reasons why the message failed (which are listed on that page), using errorPayload field on the Conversation.

    Hope this helps,

    Greg Boston
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 03-15-2023 15:54

    Thanks, Greg.

    That is helpful!

    Do you know if there will be specific Digital Campaign reports? My org currently has the BETA for the New Campaign Performance Views, which looks great for Voice calls, but maybe not as applicable to the Digital pieces. Do you know?


    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 6.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 03-16-2023 16:37

    Hi Peter, the campaign performance views support digital media types, but we're also in the process of building a Campaign Interactions view and export as well as Campaign Attempt History export. We're continuing to advance our campaign reporting and would love to hear more about what you're looking for in digital campaign reporting specifically.

    Maisey Harris
    Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting

  • 7.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 03-16-2023 19:33

    Hi Maisey,

    Sure! I would think we would want:

    • Successful Delivery
    • Failed Delivery
    • Opt Out Count (how many STOPs we received)
    • Response Rate (customers sent a message back to the outbound SMS)
      • Question: I don't know what technology is available to identify "opened messages versus Unread Messages versus when a customer clicked a link". This would be great information, if we could have it.
    • Maybe some additionl Performance metrics for Queue/Agent statistics like ASA, Bot Performance Metrics, or even Flow Outcome Aggregate reporting.

    These are all things I think would make sense!

    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 8.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 03-21-2023 11:20

    Thank you, Peter, this is very helpful! I've passed this along to my product manager. 

    Maisey Harris
    Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting

  • 9.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 04-20-2023 20:22

    Hi Maisey,

    Is there a specific idea on the idea portal for our conversation above? If not, I can create one. Just want to make sure this is accounted for :)


    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 10.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 04-21-2023 10:45

    Hi Peter, I shared the information with my PM, but an Idea is always a great idea, so others can vote on it as well!


    Maisey Harris
    Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting

  • 11.  RE: SMS Campaignst - Delivery Receipts

    Posted 04-21-2023 12:10


    See here:

    Thanks, Maisey.

    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

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