Thanks for your reply. That's interesting. I experienced some troubles with scripts too, that I could solve with delays after pageload. Had not thought that it could be the case here.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-11-2023 02:53
From: Catherine DUPIRE
Subject: Update a field in outbound campaign
@Christoph Domaschke @George Ganahl sorry, I had not seen your messages.
I am using "outbound.update contact"
I found the solution: I just add a delay (2 or 3 seconds) before updatingt it, and it's ok !
Thanks for your help
Catherine DUPIRE
Original Message:
Sent: 06-12-2023 10:18
From: George Ganahl
Subject: Update a field in outbound campaign
@Catherine DUPIRE I see that you have Chargement set to run when the initial page loads. What Christoph asks is key - what Script action does Chargement run?
George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
Principal PS Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 06-12-2023 02:30
From: Christoph Domaschke
Subject: Update a field in outbound campaign
Hi Catherine,
are you using "Outbound.Update Contact" every time you want to update your fields in the outbound list? It's a regular script-Action you can perform.
Best regards
Christoph Domaschke
Original Message:
Sent: 06-08-2023 02:59
From: Catherine DUPIRE
Subject: Update a field in outbound campaign
We are using outbound campagn in preview mode.
As there is no system field with the agent id or name who took the interaction, we have created a field "agent genesys", in which I would like to insert the agent name.
I'm using a script. In the vactions, I've created a personnalized one called "chargement", in which I do :
- define variable: in my field "sortant.agent genesys" I put "scripter.agent name"
- update the contact
(see configuration in attached file)
Then I start the campaign and call the contacts.
But when I export the list, the field "agent genesys" is updated only for the 1st càontact that has been called.
All the others are blank.
I don't see how to do to update this field systematically.
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you.
#Outbound #OutboundCampaignLists #ContactField
Catherine DUPIRE