Hello Jeff! With mandatory wrap up turned on, you shouldn't have the situation where wrap up hasn't been applied and you're receiving NONE. NONE turns up if we have agent handle time that has to wrap up associated to it. It's difficult to tell generically what's causing it, it tends to be situational. I've seen it happen in transfer scenarios where a new agent was added to the conversation and that person has handle time but wasn't triggered to apply the wrap up because they weren't the assigned agent.
Your behavior can also depend on if you're using communication wrap up https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/enable-communication-level-after-call-work-and-automatic-callbacks/
If you need a deeper analysis, open a case with our support team with some conversation examples or some details about which report you're pulling this from so we can look at your actual data and figure out what you're seeing. Based on those results, we can make a solid recommendation on how this will affect the reports.
Ryan Legner
Staff Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX
Original Message:
Sent: 06-17-2024 07:32
From: Jeff Humphreys
Subject: Wrap Code "None"
Thanks @Maisey Harris.
Just to clarify. On our OB queue, we have ACW set to Mandatory, time boxed at 30 seconds and some agents were having trouble setting the wrap code within that time. When the ACW runs out, my understanding was that the system assigned ININ-WRAP-UP-TIMEOUT rather than NONE. Is that correct? Secondly, am I correct in understanding you that NONE is assigned when, for example, the agent clicks on the End Preview within the ACW time without selecting a Wrap code?
Lastly, when viewing individual agent performance wrap up stats on OB we should always choose Voice as the media type as opposed to Call Back?
Jeff Humphreys
RCN, Royal College of Nursing
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 12:58
From: Maisey Harris
Subject: Wrap Code "None"
Hi Jeff,
"None" means that the interaction was handled but was ended without a wrapup code being selected; it's not actually a wrapup code, but rather it signifies the lack of a wrapup code.
Maisey Harris
Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 10:55
From: Jeff Humphreys
Subject: Wrap Code "None"
@Maisey Harris Hi. I've been having the same issue as @Joy Shewmake and can't find an explanation as to why the None code appears in my reports. I'm noticing particularly on outbound calls using Preview dialling.What circumstances would this code be assigned to an interaction?
Jeff Humphreys
RCN, Royal College of Nursing
Original Message:
Sent: 02-07-2023 08:54
From: Maisey Harris
Subject: Wrap Code "None"
Hi Joy,
The "NONE" row in Agent Wrapup Detail represents data for which the agent handled interactions but had no wrapup code associated; it's not a particular wrapup code.
Maisey Harris
Senior Development Group Manager, Analytics UI & Reporting
Original Message:
Sent: 02-06-2023 14:58
From: Joy Shewmake
Subject: Wrap Code "None"
Good Afternoon
When I run a report for Wrap-Up for Agent Performance, there is one called "NONE" and you can't even click on it like you can the other codes. We do not have that wrap up code listed and where does this information come from?
Joy Shewmake
Workwear Outfitters