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This is Episode 2 of the WEM Series on TAMStudios. In this video @Christopher Visick gives an overview on the Scheduling capabilities within the GenesysCloud WEM suite. It also includes an overview on how the agent & supervisor uses the WFM functionality within GenesysCloud. ...
In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the ability to change forecast associated with a schedule. Planners can now actively select an alternate workforce management forecast to associate with a generated load-based schedule. Read more: Choose forecast for an existing...
20240401_WEM_WFM_Changing Forecasts_CV.mp4
In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the new enhancement to WFM with staffing requirements and performance metrics now being available in the Schedules screen Administrators can now assess the impact of schedule adjustments on service levels via integrated...
20240117_Feature Review_EX_Scheduling_Staffing_Performance Metrics_CV.mp4
In this video, Chris discusses a new feature "Change agent schedulable status from the Agents view" Supervisors can now view and change the agent schedulable status directly from the Agents view. Previously, supervisors could only make this change by configuring agent permissions. For more...
20240110_FeatureReview_CX_WEM_WFM_Change Agent Schedulable to Agent View_CV.mp4