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Agents unable to pick up calls

  • 1.  Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-08-2023 12:13

    On a daily basis we get agents complaining that they are "Idle", are offered a call and Genesys doesn't respond to them pressing the answer button and the call is passed to one of their colleagues and they are placed in "not responding" and taken out of the queue. They then put themselves back on idle and the next call comes through and they pick up without an issue. This seems to happen most often with the first call they get in the day but can happen at any point. We use an embedded version of Genesys but I have got agents to try using the browser and they still get the issue. It doesn't appear to make any difference if the agent is wfh or is in the call centre.

    Has anyone else noticed this issue and, more importantly, found a solution?

    #Connect with a Customer (NEW)

    Stephen Jacobs
    Pepper (UK) Ltd

  • 2.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-09-2023 03:13

    Hi Stephen,

    yes, there are lot of customers with this problem. Our users have 2-3 cases a day. Genesys has not yet offered a solution to the problem. A local IT problem is cited as the cause of the error. 
    Here in the community you can find such descriptions and suggested solutions, e.g.:


    Zoltan Morvay
    NTT Hungary Trading and Service Ltd

  • 3.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-10-2023 14:00
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago

    For what it's worth, you're definitely not alone, Stephen. The problem is there aren't enough people opening tickets or reporting the issue in this community (or chiming in/agreeing if they are having the issue.) Plus, the issue itself is hard to triage without hours of log gathering, issue replication, and back/forth with support (as opposed to live triaging with them.)

    I get it though; in a perfect troubleshooting world, all users would have the fastest home/work network speed, no firewall/virus scan interruptions, Windows/headset/mic would work perfectly, and the headset/mic would work flawlessly. Once we establish that "Utopia", we can replicate the issue and involve Genesys Support with all the right logs and cross our fingers there's sufficient evidence of what is going on and where to look other than the end user.

    With that said, we have a set of embedded client users (Salesforce) with auto-answer, Genesys provided webrtc/edges, and have the same issue. Here is another thread you can take a look at to help you feel not so alone in your plight:

    @Linda Greenshields - Exactly how did you get Genesys Support to "permanently scale your edges"? Is that type of capability documented somewhere the rest of the Community missed? And why isn't that something that's turned on by default for all of us (as if it were some sort of secret menu item or premium service offering, haha)?

    Brian Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 4.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-10-2023 14:29

    Hi Brian,

    I really had no idea edges were doing anything - scaling, not scaling, whatever - so it isn't like I knew enough to ask anyone to check on them!  I had an assortment of tickets open with Genesys, agents with the Not Responding problem, agents having audio issues, etc., and one of the engineers working on one of those tickets just noticed that our ORG was "creating new edges often (auto scaling) due to lack of resources."  He explained that it meant our ORG's edge count was undersized and increased the maximum edge count to better reflect our volume.

    And after he did that, a lot of the issues, notably the very stressful experience our auto-answer agents were having, just kind of dried up.  I asked him some questions to see if our auto-scaling edges could have been causing some of the agent issues, and he thought it was very possible. 

    I guess it happens sometimes that a solution is stumbled upon, but I felt like that particular Genesys person was a genius!  

    I don't know how other organizations are set up, but we migrated our many contact centers to Genesys over the course of months, and we also have very seasonal variations in call volume, so it might not be very common that organizations need to right-size their edge count.

    We still have issues with agents who do not have auto-answer experiencing Alert-No Answer and being in Not Responding, but it is probably comparable to what a lot of people experience: intermittent, hard to replicate, and not widespread enough to point to any single cause.

    New York University

  • 5.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-10-2023 16:42

    Hi Brian

    Genesys have an algorithm based on extended peaks where they scale up the # of BYOC Cloud Edge instances.  Whether that's based on # of calls or resources or both I don't know at the moment sorry but someone else will jump in I'm sure :)

    However unless it's changed there is no scale-down.  Once they've scaled up, the number of Edge instances stays at that increased level.  At least that's what I've experienced.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 6.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-17-2023 09:55

    We had a case open for the same autoscaling Edge concerns. Any agent that was connected thru an Edge device that was removed when "scaling down" had a delay in connectivity when being moved to different device and would often be put into Not Responding. We had the number of Edge devices set to "+1" above what our maximum number was when set to Autoscaling and our problems decreased dramatically nearly immediately. Based on the fact that the Engineer working your case did the same, it sounds like this may be moving toward a standard procedure. 

    The other issues with Agents moving to Not Responding beyond the Autoscaling concerns has been mostly resolved in our environment by creating and distributing a "Genesys Cloud Sound Troubleshooting" guide to our Call Center Team Leads. The Guide consists of instructions on how to set up Audio Device Profiles. We have the agents set up one for home and one for office depending on where they are and more importantly, what equipment they are using. It is often not the same. The agents then switch to the correct profile depending on where they physically are. The big "ah hah" moment for us was realizing that the agents have to make sure they plug in a USB headset into the same USB port they used when they set up the profile on - every time. If they use a different port, WebRTC has to reset that connection - and that is often what caused the first call of the day to not have sound. Another option there is to simply have the agent make an outbound call first to ensure they have connectivity before they go on queue. 

    Scott Baumann
    QBE Insurance

  • 7.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-15-2023 07:47

    We have this issue quite often as well, sometimes it is at the begining of the day, and it does seem to be most often with people working remotely.   We had a ticket in with our vendor, but in the end, we walked through the persons computer had them shut down anything they did not need and we saw less, with that agent, but we see it nearly everyday.

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

  • 8.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-15-2023 10:22

    Hi, we also experience the same issue and we have an active case with Genesys, which doesn't progress at this point, but at least we have traction.  To add on this, our agents also mentionned they get some "lag" when receiving the Agent Script which makes them being connected with the client without knowing who is the client... which lead to bad client/agent experience.

    We started seeing this issue mid June and it happen more when agent's being logged on for couple hours or during busy time during the day.

    We tried so many different setup and each time we feel that "sync/lag/not responding" issue.  When I say different setup/combination... I mean we went in any direction and every possible setup from how our users log in to GC to have them work outside of our network/compliance/firewall/security... I think the only thing we didn't try is to add Edge, which I will ask today... just to try if it could make a diffrence.

    Anyone expericencing that "lag" issue with the agent script where there is a blue circle rolling and rolling for few sec while the call is already connected to the agent?

    Genesys are saying we are the only client experiencing this and I'm very doubtfull about it...  We are currently running Genesys tool NetThink tool and they are grabbing lot of data log at the moment.  

    Be sure I'll keep you post on their finding.

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-15-2023 10:34
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago

    "Anyone experiencing that "lag" issue with the agent script where there is a blue circle rolling and rolling for few sec while the call is already connected to the agent?"

    Yes @Sylvain Richard, but we experience the lag (spinning circle) with the call showing as connected in the [Salesforce] embedded client, and thus a delay in the call details/script displaying. It's one of the issues we documented in our support case as well.

    Brian Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 10.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-16-2023 12:37

    Hi Everyone,

    We have more than one customer indicating this is an issue.  The challenge with working through a process of elimination is that every single customer has a different infrastructure and setup that may contribute to this problem.  What would be extremely helpful is if those folks who have identified this issue is if you can share some details about your infrastructure and agent setup (to the extent allowed to maintain security and confidentiality).    

    Are you using Citrix or some kind of VDI solution, what firewalls/proxys tool(s) are in place eg Zscaler, are agents logging in directly or through SSO and have those settings been reviewed, what are the CPU and RAM configurations of the agents and does modifying that have an impact?  What other applications are open at the same time as cloud, do you have the same problem with physical or WebRTC phones, installed or web client version?  Do you have script loading issues?  How much data is coming from the CRM if you have script loading issues?  How many edge devices do you have configured?  Have you implemented Secure IVR?  If using WebRTC is media helper in use?  Did that help?

    Thank You

    Andrea Smith
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.

  • 11.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-24-2023 10:27

    @all - For what it's worth, we just received an influx of tickets within the last 30 minutes from our Salesforce embedded client users that they could not answer incoming calls and were going Not Responding. Mark the time ;o)

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 12.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-25-2023 12:00

    Evening all,

    Thought I'd share.

    We started to receive multiple reports from users at the same time getting the "Not Responding" notification between 5pm - 6pm UK.

    Once the user selects "Make Eligible", the following call connects OK.

    Our users have Auto Answer enabled connecting to WebRTC with a persistent connection working from home across the UK and SA.

    Generally have sporadic reports of this issue throughout the day, however mainly put down to local network issues.

    Logged this issue with Genesys Care with Network and Console logs referencing "Edge Auto-Scaling" as it seemed odd multiple users getting the issue around the same time given different ISP and locations.  Genesys Care came back with this:

    There was an scaling down a little earlier than the time range you mentioned, that's the reason for the temp Not Responding as you surmise.

    Attached the corresponding log for your reference (time stamp in the cloud side is UTC time)



    message:"Need to scale in ***Edge*** :: size(11) != desired(10)"

    Asked if we could adjust this to prevent any further instances:

    I checked edge scaling up/down traces in last 7 days, the maximum number is 18 as shown below.



    message:"Need to scale out ***Edge*** :: size(16) != desired(18)",


    I bumped up the minimum edge count to 18.

    It should resolve station association issues caused by frequent scaling up/down which ends up with agent not responding.

    Dan Wong
    Domestic & General Services Limited

  • 13.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-25-2023 14:04
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago

    Appreciate you sharing this Dan. It's contributions like this that give the community hope that they're not alone and there are some answers out there even if they're random or downright baffling from a rationale perspective (e.g. why scale up/down and clearly cause disruptive issues for your users without a proactive warning to them or providing another way to avoid the disruption), haha.

    I've added this thread to my Support Case in hopes it draws more attention to the issue and possibly helps Support collaborate better internally. Keep logging cases, guys! Our experiences are unacceptable. Genesys cannot address problems they're unaware of or feel are isolated instances.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 14.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-30-2023 10:02

    Exactly as you have described is what we have also experienced on numerous occasions.
    We have gone as far as using the Xbox game bar to capture the last 30 seconds in Chrome in order to show Genesys what is occurring (since the Chrome network logs appear to show nothing).
    We opened a support ticket with Genesys that's been ongoing for several months with no real resolution in sight other than the usual "Computer resources" response.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to correct/prevent these issues then please share, as trying to gather evidence and pinpoint any particular reason for these occurrences has been incredibly troublesome.

    Russell Price

  • 15.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-30-2023 10:41

    We have been battling a similar (possibly related?) issue of late. I posted about it here.

    TL;DR; Calls for remote users just drop. Genesys say its "The Network", we are seeing "ICE Disconnect Errors".

    I am following this thread with interest.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 16.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 05-28-2024 09:22

    Hi Paul,  we too had quite a bit of random disconnects due to 'iceIdle'.

    What was your solution in the end ?  thanks  John

    [John] [Korn]
    [Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.]

  • 17.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 05-28-2024 09:37

    I wish I could tell you, but unfortunately I can't!

    The issue was extremely strange. It would become apparent suddenly, last for around 1 day and then go away again. We couldn't figure out what the days in question had in common. (They were different days of the week, irregularly spaced etc.) We had Genesys perform a Network Assessment and it came back clean.

    The only remaining clue is that the majority of users share the same ISP (which happens to be the same as the company) and perhaps they were performing some maintenance that caused this. They, of course, denied everything!

    The problem is only "solved" in the sense that it hasn't re-occurred for about six months.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 18.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-30-2023 10:45

    We are working with Genesys Support and Genesys development on our challenge with this issue.  I can share that Genesys has provided the software Nexthink to download and install on agent workstations to grab very detailed logs.  I can also share that or process of elimination in working toward determining the source of the issue has included setting up agents that have nothing installed on their laptops that may compete for RAM or CPU.  So agents are working on laptops that only have Genesys Cloud running.   We have also set up agents connecting both inside and outside the VDI environment which is Citrix to eliminate Citrix as the root cause of the issue.  Finally, we have also explored agents working on laptops with different levels of CPU and RAM configuration.    The agent experience has not allowed us to rule out Genesys Cloud as the source of the issue even though we would welcome any diffinitive direction.

    Looking forward to other customers shareing process of elimination information with Genesys and the customer community.  If the source is with the software.  Everyone's input will help move us to a solution.



    Andrea Smith
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.

  • 19.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-31-2023 16:10

    @ALL - Genesys is still digging into our logs and has made mention they will likely need more logs to review or to replicate the issue live. I pointed them to this as well as a related thread in hopes they can communicate internally [better] about the plethora of logs they likely already have on this issue.

    REQUEST: If you are currently experiencing this Not Responding/Inability to Answer an Interaction in the Embedded client issue and have a Case open with Genesys Support, please add your Case number to this thread so we can combine forces to help Support see just how many issues and examples there already are out there. Individually we'll spin our wheels, but together perhaps we can get some traction.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 20.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-31-2023 16:23
      My ticket was closed and since there was no real resolution I never open up a new one when these issues are found, but the ticket number was  25777401 .      
    Great idea, I hope it works.

    Judy Jimenez, Workforce Management Coordinator
    CURE Auto Insurance 
    214 Carnegie Center, Suite 301 
    Princeton, NJ 08540 
    1-800-535-2873, ext 7405
    Fax: 609 297 5725

  • 21.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 08-31-2023 17:11

    Our is open still.  case #0003320857


    Andrea Smith  |  Executive Director, Software Solutions  |  Directrice Exécutive, solutions logicielles
    New Era Technology | 1430 Boulevard Saint-Martin O, Laval, Quebec H7S 1Z3 Canada
    ph: 514-587-2649 | |  

    Nathan Parker
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.

  • 22.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 09-01-2023 03:04
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago


    I have some closed case number:


    Zoltan Morvay

    Zoltan Morvay
    NTT Hungary Trading and Service Ltd

  • 23.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-04-2023 15:07

    Has anyone seen any real movement on this issue?  We, too, have a support case open.  

    Bethany Han
    Business Application Expert
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina

  • 24.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-04-2023 15:25

    On our side, we are in a state of getting logs.  We have traction with Genesys but feels they're always requesting something else... 
    We are at the point of testing with Vanilla laptop, nothing installed, only Genesys Cloud, and we are still experiencing issue.  As soon as I get result from the log we submit I'll update this post.


    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 25.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-04-2023 16:33

    We are still experiencing this issue, it was very prominent last Monday and this Monday and today I had an agent I was watching and saw it happen 3 times.   She logged out and back in and it was fixed, but like everyone else, we are a call center and can not afford to do that, expecially when it affects almost our entire queue workforce like it did last week.   I have not created an additional tickets, because this particular ticket never gets a response.

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

  • 26.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-05-2023 09:59


    Same problem in my company. We use multiple Genesys Cloud orgs and noticed the issue: in our case, using the Salesforce embedded client, agent can't pickup the call (but it works from the Genesys Cloud interface).

    It's very random, but happened in almost all our orgs. The solution used so far is to clean the cache of the browser and restart it, but this is not convenient for a call center.

    Some tickets were opened (some are still open), with a lot of back and forth giving interaction ids, logs, etc., but it didn't work out. Numbers 0003305540, 0003376920 and 0003337906.

    Anyway, happy to read that we're not alone with this issue!

  • 27.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-05-2023 10:10

    Absolutely agree with all of the ways we trouble shoot to fix, i.e. clear cache, logging out, and agree that we are a call center and to have people logging off and doing all of these things limits are ability to handle calls !    Also, usually happens at the begining of our shift so we are short handed at the begining of the day.    The last two Mondays, it affected multiple people.

    When we report these things we are asked for logs and all sorts of different information, but in the end the logs have to be activated daily and at the agent level, and we can not do that ourselves (in our case).  So, the log not being turned on despite an ongoing ticket does not give Genesys the opportunity to review further and the ticket gets closed.    

    Judy Jimenez, Call Center Operations Manager
    CURE Auto Insurance

  • 28.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-16-2023 11:55


    Just want to add little bit more of what we found over the last week.

    So on our side, there is 3 behavior

    1- Agent are automaticaly put in "Agent No Answering" even if they are Auto-Answer.

    2- Agent Script is delay and we see a spinning Blue circle which makes our agent not knowing who's calling.

    3- Agent are unable to pickup call or click done at the wrap-up section.

    Genesys had us install a Netthink Tool to analyse the CPU and Memory and they were seeing CPU spikes everytime we had issue.  

    Last week, we were able to replicate all of our issues  by using the dev tool in Chrome and by reducing the CPU speed by 6 times.

    We also had our partner to build an API query to grab the Agent script information and while the API is fast, getting the Agent script is slow which links my thought toward the Genesys Cloud app itself or Chrome...

    My test agent was only using web browser, no other tool who might have impact the CPU. 
    We don't have a resolution yet but I least, knowing we can reproduce, its a step in the right direction! 

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 29.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-25-2023 13:45

    Update : 

    Since last week, we started some test with FireFox and I can say we saw great improvement.  From my previous post, we tried to reduce CPU speed by 6 times and it didn't create any lag.  We did comparison that with Chrome, when reducing CPU 6x, the CPU will go up to 100% utilization and stay there for a while.  We did the same thing with Firefox and CPU was pretty much where it is supposed to be, 20-25% utilization.

    So with all the scenario and test we did, the problematic, on our side, seems to be link to Chromium which is used with Edge, Chrome and the Desktop App.  

    Any thoughts from other members?

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 30.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-19-2024 13:10

    0003358344  Users are unable to answer the calls on SFDC and its spinning and they are going into not responding

    0003276585 Unable to answer call from Salesforce widget

    0003425076 Agent unable to answer the call

    + others

    John Korn
    Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

  • 31.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-25-2023 14:25

    Hey Stephen,

     We're in the same boat as you! We deployed Genesys in March of this year. We identified this as an issue in April and opened a ticket in May with Genesys support. After all those months, we got nowhere because the request kept coming for new logs and the culprit was always a network issue... We recently closed the case because we were getting nowhere after 6 months. 

    Closed Ticket: 0003296649

    Would be great if a solution was identified and deployed. Somewhere, someone changed something. There is just no way that there is an epidemic of networking issues, at the same time, across several different companies. Genesys and Chrome seem to be the only common denominators. 

    Hopefully we get to a fix! 

    Telecommunications Engineer

  • 32.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-26-2023 03:53

    We too had this issue last week and the common factor is Chrome browser. with Edge, so far so good.

    Suresh Subramanian

  • 33.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-26-2023 15:25

    Among those who have added to this conversation, are your agents - the ones experiencing the issues with not getting calls, or not being able to answer calls or seeing blue circles or other signs of "this is taking too long to load" - all using an embedded framework, like in ServiceNow or Salesforce?  Or is anyone out there just using the Genesys Agent UI and having all these same sorts of issues?

    We have agents using an embedded framework in ServiceNow and we have agents using the Genesys Agent UI, and regardless of which interface the agents use, this general complaint of not being able to answer offered calls, or even seeing/hearing the call be offered is most common (or at least tied with assorted audio issues!)

    We have opened tickets over time and, like many folks in this thread, usually nothing comes of it (except that magical time when our auto-scaling edges were found to be causing an issue).   Logs either show nothing that is useful or are not collected (agents are rarely keen to do this).  Its the network.  Its the computer.  Clear the cache.  Make sure the agents don't have unnecessary stuff open on the computer. Try the persistent connection.  Disassociate and re-associate the WebRTC from the agent.  Delete and re-add the agent's WebRTC.  Some of our contact centers decide one browser or another works better (Chrome or Firefox) and their agents end up toggling between browsers, which really isn't any better a fix than asking these agents to clear their cache all the time.

    It is hard to tell what really works since these issues are intermittent and agents aren't exactly uniform or consistent in reporting things.

    I don't really have anything useful to add here, except to say I am following with great interest Sylvain Richard's experiences and progress, and finding some solace in the fact that we aren't alone.

    New York University

  • 34.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-27-2023 04:39

    Hello Linda,

    In our case we use the Salesforce integration. Agent is in Salesforce, receives a call via the integration, tries to pickup but it fails (it keeps loading and in the end, puts the agent inactive as he didn't take the call). If the agent then goes to the Genesys Cloud interface, tries to pick up, it works.

    So our conclusion is that the issue is coming from the Salesforce integration, although we can't be sure it's true 100% of the time (and reading this thread, I understand that there can be a lot of different reason why a pickup will fail...).

  • 35.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-27-2023 10:41

    "Or is anyone out there just using the Genesys Agent UI and having all these same sorts of issues?"

    We are using just the Genesys Agent UI and experiencing all the issues outlined in this thread.

    There has now been months of backwards and forwards with Genesys, getting to the ridiculous point of requesting Genesys logs, chrome network logs, and screen recordings all at the same time. Which isn't feasible as a busy call center!

    We seem to experience the issue with both Chrome and Edge browser. Machines have adequate resources and our network is stable.

    Would love to know any kind of solution to this.

    Russell Price

  • 36.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-27-2023 10:58

    Hi, @Linda Greenshields

    We are exclusively been using Genesys Agent UI through Chrome, Edge or Agent Desktop.  What we found out is that they're all using Chromium.  That is why we are giving a try to Firefox right now and I can say that users experience, so far, is way better.  

    We are starting to get more people using Firefox so we can get enough data to say that the issue is probably with that "chromium" engine.  I'm not developper or engineer of Chrome/Edge but we certainly narrow it down enough to say it's not link a all to our work environment.  (We also tried with vanilla laptop without anything installed and had issues).

    I'll keep you posted on our findings for sure.

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 37.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-30-2023 16:35


    Would be nice to see if your agent would have better experience with Firefox, is it something that could be feasible on your side?  If we both, as different company, can have great result with Firefox, then it will give a huge indication of the problem... 

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 38.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-30-2023 18:21

    Hi Sylvain

    assuming you're still getting positive results with this then we will trial it; not sure how easy it will be though as we use an embedded window within our inhouse built CRM; will update you as soon as I know if Firefox is a possible.

    Kind regards

    Stephen Jacobs
    Pepper (UK) Ltd

  • 39.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 10-31-2023 08:20

    Yeah, you have a good point about the embedded client, not sure how that work...If there is other community members who can give it a try to Firefox and see how it is going, that would be nice to hear about any feedback.  

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 40.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 11-13-2023 13:32

    Hey All,

    We're sleuthing away on this and have a theory.... Can anyone share what AWS primary location you point to? And if you have done network diagnostics to your location and others to compare? If so, would you be willing to share your comparisons?

    Thanks folks!

    Telecommunications Engineer

  • 41.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 11-14-2023 06:03

    Hello Cori,

    For us it happened in multiple orgs, all on eu-central-1 (Frankfurt).

  • 42.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 11-14-2023 10:14

    Hi Bertrand,

     Thanks so much for you response! Have you had any users run the network diagnostics from Genesys' Support?


    I was wondering if you show poor stats to your primary location, but good stats to others? For example, I am in Florida, our setup points to Oregon. My stats on the above test to Oregon, most often look awful. But my stats testing to Virginia, Tokyo and London look better. So we're trying to see if there is possibly a connectivity issue within Genesys, where it talks to AWS, so to speak.

    Thanks for your insight!

    Telecommunications Engineer

  • 43.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 11-15-2023 05:06

    Hello Cori,

    I did some tests myself and noticed that I'm getting better results out of my region (I get some Packet discards in my own region).

    But I'm not sure how relevant the test is, because whatever the chosen region, I have to set the organization name (which matches my org, located in Frankfurt). Maybe I'm missing something in the philosophy of this test.

  • 44.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 11-29-2023 09:04
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago

    Hi everyone,

    hopefully if we are talking about the same issue and cause, in our case, leveling the phone 's persistent connection timeout to a dozen of hours, seems to be doing the trick. Surely if this might be fixing things, it may not be considered an accepted solution. Testing now on 2 more agents and watching out for problems that the change might cause.

    Will let you know,

    Anastasios Zotos

    Telecoms Engineer


  • 45.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 12-13-2023 06:53

    Hi Anastasios Zotos

    thanks for posting your suggestion, sounds hopeful!

    any update from your trial?

    Kind regards


    Stephen Jacobs
    Pepper (UK) Ltd

  • 46.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-19-2024 13:01

    Hi Anastasios,   did you have improvement with the 12 hour persistent connection ?



    John Korn
    Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

  • 47.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-16-2024 08:12

    Same thing widespread here.  All orgs have cases of this.

    Its been going on quite a while, we've had over 25 care cases open for the same issue..  SFDC Agent running Chrome in a Single Tab session, 3rd party cookie URLs added to the browser settings, as well as in Memory Saver to avoid memory free from the SFDC and Genesys , and remain those tabs as Active, 

    Intermittently when an inbound call is alerting, the agent clicks the Pickup icon, and there is a spinning wheel, indicating delay / buffering of some type, then the Agent is placed into Not Responding.   Is able to go Back on Q, and get a successful call.  We see this over and over.   Wiresharks logs, Net Console, Zscaler ..etc.. all not giving any definitive reason.

    Not to mention the annoying "The WebRTC window is unable to Display" error also wide spread over our environments.

    Who has solved this ?   thanks

    John Korn
    Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.

  • 48.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-16-2024 08:25

    Good morning!

    If you would even know how many hours we've put trying to solve this issue... Genesys support won't acknowledge any issue on their side and won't give any support.  

    We end up trying Firefox and it fixed majority of our problem.  We wanted to be a temporary solution because we are using Chrome as our standard but the last word we got from Genesys is, if it works with firefox, use it.

    So at the end, our conclusion is that it seems to be an issue with Chromium.  Since Chrome, Edge and desktop app use Chromium, Firefox is the only solution.

    Since December, we didn't hear back from Genesys and we've started to deploy Firefox at large.

    On our case, we are not using WebRTC, we have physical phone because we were not able to unblock (Security dept.) all ports needed for STUN protocol to work well. 

    If you want more details of what we've tried or just want to talk, feel free to send me a private message!

    Sylvain Richard

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 49.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-20-2024 10:17

    Good Morning Sylvain,

     Question for you regarding your transition to Firefox - while you are deploying to your environment at large, are you managing the browser via policies etc the same way (I assume) you were in Chrome? I am wondering if any of those settings hold any bearing to the situation at hand, as I know our own Chrome browser is indeed managed, while Firefox is not. When our company first deployed Genesys, we had to use FF as an alt browser while an issue was being resolved. It worked but it was only allowed temporarily due to lack of controls. So, just curious how you're setup is configured and how the deploy is going since your December push.

    Thanks a bunch for your insight on this thread! 

    Telecommunications Engineer

  • 50.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-21-2024 11:51

    Good morning,

    We are managing it through policies, like we're doing with Chrome.  On our side, we instructed agent to work exclusively on Firefox for Genesys Cloud.  We forced the initial page to be GC as well.  Any other site they want to access needs to be through Chrome.

    As a complement of information, since Monday this week we started to have lots of stability issue with GC, no matter which browser we access it. we had to open a case with Genesys.... again. 

    Sylvain Richard
    Global Excel Management Inc.

  • 51.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 02-22-2024 10:12

    Good morning again ☀️

    Thank you for such a quick response on this thread! I am sorry to hear that the browser change hasn't fully rectified things. Hopefully if we all keep at this, they'll have to acknowledge and remediate the root of the problem(s). If you come across the secret sauce that makes it work, keep us posted! I'll do the same 😁

    Best of luck!

    Telecommunications Engineer

  • 52.  RE: Agents unable to pick up calls

    Posted 06-20-2024 15:05
    Edited by Jason Kleitz 9 days ago

    Hello Everyone,

    It appears that this problem has been persisting for some time and is becoming increasingly prevalent. Here is an additional thread that I suspect is the same issue: Genesys Community Discussion - users-not-responding 

    I can suggest a workaround that has been beneficial for us and might alleviate the issue for you as well. Although this is not a permanent solution, I believe the root cause lies within the BOYC edges. By adjusting the WebRTC setting to increase the  persistent connection  timeout to 34200, it seems to reduce the frequency of this problem.

    I hope this proves useful to everyone. Let's continue to bring attention to this matter.

    Carl Hewitson
    Sabio Ibérica, S.A.

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