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Architect data tables user interface updates

  • 1.  Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-09-2024 10:57
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 01-09-2024 11:17
    Hello everyone,
    We wanted to inform you about upcoming changes to the Architect data tables user interface in Genesys Cloud. These enhancements aim to improve your experience by making the interface more visually intuitive and user-friendly.
    What can you expect? The changes will bring a modernized look and feel, making it easier to create data tables. Additionally, you'll now have access to data table names while viewing them, along with improved visualization of long labels within columns.

    Data Tables list

    Data Table view
    Data Table creation
    We'll kick off this enhancement on Wednesday and anticipate completing the rollout across all regions by the end of the day on Friday. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to make these improvements.
    Thank you for being a valuable part of our community. Your input is essential as we strive to create a more user-friendly experience for everyone.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-09-2024 12:37

    This is a Very good change, I will use it a lot.


    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 3.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-14-2024 17:48

    Hi Amelie,

    Looks like the data tables have been switched back to old version. 

    A little odd, last week it was available.

    Aurness Luximon

  • 4.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-14-2024 19:15

    Noticed this too. 

    Imagine something broke somewhere. Would have been nice to get an update on the forum though. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 5.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:02

    Hi! Updates to the Architect data tables have been temporarily disabled. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

    Csaba Oppelt
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:06

    Personally speaking, but I will go with the majority, I like the new table view but when adding or editing a line I thought the new view was awful and would keep it as it was before the update

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 7.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 03:52

    I like the initial view, but when you open a row it was horrible to use.  I cant see the point f the massive data entry boxes.  I would be happy to have the old view stay there

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 8.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 04:10

    Yep agreed, I hope the rollback is so they can re-think this part. Although there has been no rollback for us, we still have the new UI.

    I like the look of the table when viewing it, and I like that there is now a search bar in the table listing. I wish the search bar inside the table (to filter a row) was wildcard.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:47

    Same page @James Dunn, et al. In fact, to your latter point, please go upvote regarding data table search optimization. Completely understand/respect the desire to standardize the interface, but am willing to bet most users would've preferred an improved search/filter feature first. 

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 10.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:42


    The add new row/edit row is a step back from the previous UI. 

    There's no point of having large textarea input boxes for string fields, they should be single row inputs

    Cosmin Radulescu
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:57

    I agree, they are in realty string boxes, the only time I can see the benefit is if I am typing a response but on the old view I just expanded the box

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 12.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 07:10

    Ideally they would dynamically scale; we do have some entries which are larger than single-row. In the current / old view, in the Edit page you can't tell this without stretching the box manually. Even more so if you put a linebreak in as well.

    This is on the Data Table view, message 3 is spread across several rows and I can see here that there is more than just "- Financial Support"

    But when you click into Edit, it isn't obvious that there is more text in the field. On occasion I have missed this when making edits:

    If these boxes could auto-scale to fit the data inside it would be ideal.
    If they can't autoscale, I'd honestly rather have it as it is now than in the new version with extra scrolling.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 13.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:50

    I'm all for modernizing the UI, but I think that most of the recent UI changes (and some of the upcoming ones I've seen) are actually less user-friendly than before.

    Honestly it's not all bad, some of the changes and additions are good but a lot of small things have been overlooked and it doesn't seem they will be changed.

    As for the Data Table UI update

    Somehow font is smaller but less information is available on screen.

    Earlier if a information from a column didn't fit on one row it would continue on the next row, now it just shows what fits in one row and adds dots.
    This means I now need to "edit" each row to see what they contain, which brings up the next point

    The modals for input is a bad idea and makes it less user-friendly to add data than earlier.
    They fit less information and requires you to scroll a lot within the modal.

    Have customers been in focus groups or involved in the design of the UI or is this something all decided internally?
    It feels like the design decisions made aren't done by people who work every day in Genesys Cloud with the parts they are changing.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 14.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 06:55

    I am with you there, some updates are good some are terrible.  A focus group around these would have stopped this I am sure.  As a daily admin it did seem to make my work more difficult and the font was far too small

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 15.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 10:33

    +1 for a focus group.

    It seems as though they have engaged some kind of UI guru to advise on what a "Modern" interface should look like and are hell-bent on following their advice, regardless of how that impacts actual usability! We keep seeing these kinds of comments on here, yet we rarely see any response from Genesys themselves. (See the disastrous Architect UI downgrade, and the resulting firestorm of protest, for an example of this pursuit of form over function.)

    Not only are folks not crying out for this stuff, but they ARE crying out for numerous other updates, that seem to go ignored. (A casual glance through the Ideas site will turn up dozens of example.) What gives?

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 16.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-15-2024 13:58

    I don't mind change in general, and I'm ok that sometimes that change doesn't work out, I'd rater the attempt be made. However yes in this case the initial view is fine, the add / change rows is not. For me its the amount of white space, the padding and margins is massive, the framing is excessive minimizing the amount of useful information on screen. 

    A focus group or even just putting it in Beta first would be ideal so these things can be ironed out there before general release, a toggle button would be nice too for initial UI releases.

    Since its a change that doesn't impact staff or customers, ie Admin or Supervisor only, and that it UI only if feels like Genesys doesn't think it matters, or that it needs a Beta. The Architect UI change and this should hopefully show that is not the case. We administrators are passionate about the product which is a great thing but it does mean changes impacted us are just as important as agent facing ones just for different reasons. 

    Anton Vroon

  • 17.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 14:19


    You already know you and I are very much of one mind when it comes to this.

    Added to what you say, I just cannot fathom why stuff nobody asked for, and which has either little to no effect, or a detrimental one gets prioritized over all the dozens of things we are all crying out for. Makes no sense!

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 18.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 01-15-2024 14:49

    For sure :)

    I have been giving it some thought, and I think there is a few compounding factors to keep in mind to keep sane.


    One is people like us and I feel like IT / Admin people in general prefer function over form, and when we see 'pretty' UI updates happening in areas that have had little to no updates to features/function that can be really frustrating.

    The other, and this is purely my impression, is that Ideas is used for a dual purpose. One is for us the customers / providers to vote on ideas that are important to us to get those prioritized. The other is as a project management tool for Genesys PMs. This is why a feature they need to implement as part of some overall work will go on there with 1 vote from the PM and get delivered while something with 100 votes waits. It's about how they manage their work and those features might be pre-requisites for other items we have voted on. But of course its just not communicated well.

    UI updates do need to happen, they attract customers and I don't begrudge them for being a business, but if they make UI changes that impact that experience negatively too much they might finding it has the opposite outcome and that is avoidable, they can have their cake and eat it too, just engage with their customer's the same way they tell us to and get that balance right.

    Ultimately it comes down to communication and customer engagement, which is a thing Genesys should, and does know a lot about, they just need to follow their own advice and expertise in that area to new features and the Ideas portal. 


    Anton Vroon

  • 19.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 15:58

    Again, I'm in total agreement with you. I hear you about them using it for internal PM, however I regularly see references / links to Ideas that I don't have the security privilege to view, so I reckon it shouldn't be a stretch for them to similarly "hide" their "internal" ideas.

    As you point out, however, communication is key. If they truly do use it as their primary planning tool, then they should have it open and be actively accessing it almost all day. If that's the case, then there is even less excuse for allowing Ideas to go months (or in some cases, years) without an update. You mention cake, well in this case they can't have it both ways! Regular updates are key (see various other posts for a discussion THAT one) as well as explanations as to why something "will not be implemented" or is  for "Future Consideration." If it's waiting on another update / idea, then reference it so we can see how the blockers are progressing and get a feel for when the feature of interest may be available.

    I agree that as an IT person, I'm more about function than form (as long as the form doesn't interfere with the function - see Architect and "Dark Theme" for an example) I also appreciate that not everyone agrees with us on that, and form becomes more important. BUT, without function, form is useless. Do potential customers judge the platform based on how modern the pretty icons appear, or what color the login page is, or do they judge it on it's features and ability to do what they need it to do? What makes all this even more bizarre is that many of these "prettification" updates are to interfaces which are used primarily by IT / Admin people who, as you say, are not impressed by such things.

    As always, however, I fear we are screaming into the void.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 20.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 21:43
    Edited by Brian Jones 01-15-2024 21:44

    @Anton Vroon & @Paul Simpson - Based on this sentence alone, your/others comments in this thread are actually quite appropriate given there doesn't appear to have been any [user community-based] beta testing/focus group for these recent UI enhancements (not all of which are bad nor unappreciated, but not all of which are good nor highly/urgently requested either.)

    To your points, if our input was truly essential to a more user-friendly experience, then not only would community input on the UI have been sought out, but also the low-hanging, highly voted, admin requests we've made in the Ideas lab wouldn't be sitting for nearly as long as they are--nor been trumped by primarily aesthetical UI updates.

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 21.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-15-2024 11:31

    Tenho uma cliente que não gostou do novo layout, pelo o que entendi entrou dia 10.01 no ultimo release, mas em 12.01 foi feito o rollback...Ou seja, voltou ao layout antigo.

    Alguem sabe por quando tempo deve ficar no layout antigo? 

    Vinicius Silva

  • 22.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-17-2024 08:03
    Edited by Amelie Wisniak 01-17-2024 08:40
    Hi everyone,
    We appreciate your patience. This UI update has been temporarily rolled back as we identified an issue affecting some users creating data tables via the API. Our team is actively working on a fix, and the design team is carefully reviewing your feedback. Stay tuned for further updates. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 23.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-18-2024 12:24

    Dear community,

    Thank you for sharing your feedback.

    We're introducing the updated interface to pave the way for future user experience enhancements and for essential platform-wide initiatives around security, consistency, and navigability. Our goal isn't to adversely impact your experience and we value your feedback.

    We are happy to share that we're exploring the following changes based on your feedback:

    • Reintroduce the horizontal scroll bar for faster navigation.
    • Display up to 5 lines of text within a cell before truncating content. Hovering over the cell reveals the complete content.
    • Adjust field height inside modals for a more compact view.

    We hope to make these user interface updates by the end of the month. Feel free to reach out for any questions or additional feedback.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 24.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-18-2024 12:42

    Could we get a few screenshots before its published so we can comment on it, after all we use it a load more than you guys, its no good being pretty if it loses its function.

    Personally but I accept feedback from others, I see no point of 5 lines of text in a simple string field, this will make it as bad as the last release


    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 25.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-19-2024 03:49

    I guess how many lines are shown is personal preference, and for me more lines made sense, but you'll get different answers depending on who you ask.
    Hovering to get content is great tho and kinda removes the need for more lines for me.

    This one is what worries me

    • Adjust field height inside modals for a more compact view.

    While editing why would I want a more compact view?
    I get that you wanna use modals so the list view can stay in the background, but if you're gonna use modals, then they should use the whole screen and not a third or less that it did in the current release.
    Having to adjust textboxes and scroll through a tiny modal is not what I call "more visually intuitive and user-friendly".

    You have to consider that not everyone using this are sitting in front of a 4K monitor, or not even 1080p.
    A lot of users have laptops with smaller screens, lower resolution and use scaling to make text more readable.

    It seems the UI updates all are adapted to large screens, since those I've seen so far make text smaller, and have bigger margins creating more "dead space" on the screen that could've been used better.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 26.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-19-2024 10:54

    Thanks for sharing additional feedback. Our design team is reviewing them.

    @Andy Jackson, The content will adjust based on how much content you have, which means that if you use a short string, it will only show 1 line of context, without additional spacing. See the example below.



    Note: Column width will be adjusted with the horizontal scroll bar, which is not visible on this screenshot.  

    @Jan Heinonen, we are testing a more compact view compared to the original updated design, but it still accounts for more space than the original data table user interface. 



    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 27.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-19-2024 10:57

    That does look better, can we ensure the font size is useable as well.  Others also thought it was too small

    Andy Jackson
    Ten Lifestyle Management Limited

  • 28.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-19-2024 11:11

    The font size is 12px, which is standard for Genesys Cloud, but we have shared this feedback with our design system team. 

    In the meantime, we suggest increasing the zoom level of your browser using the instructions below:

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 29.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 01-29-2024 09:34
    Hi all,
    We hope to release the updated Data Table user interface in early February. We will provide an update once we know the exact date.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 30.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 02-21-2024 15:53

    Dear Community,

    We're currently testing the update and expect to release it within the next few weeks. We'll provide a specific release date as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 31.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-22-2024 14:46
    Hi all, 
    We are hoping to launch the beta program in April. We will share a beta form in the upcoming weeks for users interested in trying out the updated user interface.
    Please stay tuned for more updates. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-22-2024 15:26

    Hello Amelie,

    Our orgs are currently facing an issue where data tables are no longer division-aware. I've checked the roles, permissions, divisions, and everything involved but users can still see the list of all data tables. What could be causing this?

    Thank you.


  • 33.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-26-2024 04:54

    Hi Dianne

    We're currently facing this problem too (only discovered yesterday when trying a proof of concept)!

    When setting Divisions to a role with relevant permissions to view / edit only certain data tables, users can still see the full list.

    @Lee Creasey

    Dan Wong
    Domestic & General Services Limited

  • 34.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-26-2024 15:39

    @Dianne Gabriel @Dan Wong Can you please confirm if this issue is now resolved? Thanks!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 35.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-26-2024 16:33

    Hi Amelie, just checked and it has been resolved. Thank you!


  • 36.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-26-2024 17:08

    @Dianne Gabriel Great to hear. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 37.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 03-27-2024 04:57

    Thanks, now working !

    Dan Wong
    Domestic & General Services Limited

  • 38.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-03-2024 14:39
    Dear Community Members
    We are happy to announce our Data Tables user interface update beta is coming! 
    This beta phase is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the updated interface and provide feedback before it becomes generally available. Your feedback will help us understand concerns and refine the user interface before we make it available to everyone. 
    Our goal is to start the beta program on April 15. If you're interested in participating, please take a moment to fill out the beta candidate survey form.
    Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to your feedback.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 39.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-03-2024 14:47
    Edited by Brian Jones 04-03-2024 14:50

    Let there be column sorting, filtering, or at the very, very, very least, the ability to contextually/partially search the table for any value in the table instead of just the exact "key" value...

    Pretty Please GIFs |

    Brian T. Jones | Ascension | Senior Specialist - Technology

  • 40.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-11-2024 15:53

    The Architect data tables user interface updates feature team is pleased to launch a beta on MondayApril 15, 2024.

    For more information, see Beta - Data Tables User Interface Update

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 41.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-11-2024 17:10

    I know this comment is a couple of months old now but using zoom for one thing makes other things unusable in the UI :)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 42.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-15-2024 17:00

    @Vaun McCarthy Can you tell us more about this issue?

    Are you referring to using your browser zoom? Which OS and browser are you using? What becomes unusable, and why? 


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 43.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-15-2024 17:59

    One example, if you zoom to a larger % in the main UI, you eventually lose visibility of the "Apps" and "Admin" tab options at the top.  They end up hidden behind the search box.  Now perhaps that's just in an authorised org scenario.



    Sensitivity Label: General

    Amelie Wisniak via Genesys <>
    Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 9:02 AM
    To: Vaun McCarthy <>
    Subject: RE: Genesys Cloud CX : Architect data tables user interface updates


    @Vaun McCarthy Can you tell us more about this issue? Are you referring to using your browser zoom? Which OS and browser are you using? What... -posted to the "Genesys Cloud - Main" community

  • 44.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-17-2024 16:55

    @Vaun McCarthy Are you referring to the search bar below, or the Data Table search bar? 

    If the former, apps are available under the Menu tab.

    If the latter, can you please confirm if this is still an issue with the new user interface update? A screenshot would be helpful.


    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 45.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-17-2024 17:00

    You'll see the Apps menu has started to be covered, and the Admin option has been completely covered.  But as I say I believe this is only an issue on authorised org setups due to how the org name for the "client" org gets displayed on the far right.  This pushes everything else to the left.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 46.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates

    Posted 04-17-2024 17:28

    @Vaun McCarthy Thanks, that's helpful. I've shared this with the appropriate team for their review.

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

  • 47.  RE: Architect data tables user interface updates
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-10-2024 15:50

    Dear community,

    Our beta phase is now over and we are immensely grateful for your feedback.

    We are targeting to make this Data Table user interface update generally available starting on May 20th. 

    Amelie Wisniak
    Genesys - Employees

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