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  • 1.  Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-13-2023 09:16

    Hi Friends,

    I guess then I have a response, but I would like to see if more needs this and find any solution.

    My org has License GC3 and I have many users that use Voice Channel in Genesys Cloud, but use yeat other solution for Message/Chat channel and I need assign  Evaluation for some Interaction Chat/Message during the ending migration for Genesys Cloud.

    Thank your time.

    #WEM #QualityEvaluator #Qualitymanagement



    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 2.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-14-2023 10:24


    If I am understanding correctly you need an option to create an evaluation on work but there is no interaction in Genesys, therefore you are not able to evaluate this additional work?

    We have a similar issue with ServiceNow and cases.  Genesys does not recognize cases and not sending this work to Genesys.  The work item enhancement that Genesys is releasing will assist with this however QA and WFM are not rolling out for this feature until sometime n 2024.  

    Cressida Gioiella
    Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

  • 3.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-14-2023 10:34

    Hi Cressida,

    Exactly, I need the option to create an evaluation on work but there is no interaction in Genesys, therefore you are not able to evaluate this additional work without interaction.

    Can you have details of these releases for my consultation?

    If have anything in Roadmap help me a lot


    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 4.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-14-2023 11:07

    Here is a roadmap and a walk through of the functionality from August 2023. 

    Cressida Gioiella
    Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

  • 5.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-14-2023 12:40

    Hi Cressida,

    I normally see Genesys Cloud Roadmap here:
    The image (Genesys Cloud Roadmap - Q3 2023 (July 2023) below what is the feature in the roadmap you said than active the possibility to assign evalute without interaction in Genesys Cloud? I don't find it, and I don't see any feature in the roadmap page: :(

    Thank you for your attention in helping...


    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 6.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-15-2023 12:57
    Edited by Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco 12-15-2023 13:00

    Has anyone had this situation?

    Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud


    Breno Canyggia Ferreira Marreco

  • 7.  RE: Assigning Evaluation without Interaction in Genesys Cloud

    Posted 12-15-2023 14:23

    Your links do not work for me either, it might be a security issue where it is blocking us. 

    I can see in the URL you are going to the idea lab to view the roadmaps.  I reference the idea lap roadmap, however there is another location with more in depth roadmaps as I had posted.  It is found in the Genesys Knowledge network.  It has roadmaps and also videos on upcoming features.  Genesys is referring to it as work automation with task routing and then will release work items.  We do not use it yet but will be once everything has been released.    

    Cressida Gioiella
    Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

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