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What is one piece of software you can't live without?

  • 1.  What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 11:17

    We hope you're playing in the final week of "Summer Trivia" with the topic being "Genesys Cloud CX!" I have to give a shout out to @Antwuan Rencher for coming up with most of these questions. Who is Antwuan, you ask? You will see him in the Genesys Cloud CX community helping to moderate the discussions that come in there. We're so excited to have him, so say hello if you see him pop up in there. 

    Ahem, I for the bonus question (which will earn ya 3 extra points in the Trivia Tower event) tell us: 

    What is the one piece of software you can't live without (personally or professionally) and yes, video games count! We all know Genesys Cloud CX is great, but tell us about the other "can't live without" programs you use! 

    I'll go first...

    As a video editor, I can't really live without Adobe Premiere Pro. Not only does it help me do my job, but I use it for so many other tasks that are actually non-video related and it generally makes my life easier. Although I use several tools, this one really stands out for me. Now you go! 

    I can't wait to see how you all do in the Trivia contest this week. As a reminder, the top winner will win an item off the Prize Wall, so go get 'em tiger! 


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 11:28

    Personally, can't live without Minecraft. It's a stress reliever since I can kind of switch my brain off and do something aimless for 5 minutes or 2 hours.

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 3.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 12:04

    They took away my Adobe subscription, so I had to switch to DaVinci Resolve for all my video editing, with Audacity for audio...DaVinci is quite good.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 4.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 12:14

    My can't-live-without software is probably Outlook....I do a ton of work there. On the work side it has become Slack, but I'll be happy to get rid of it once the current project is done :-)

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 5.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 13:25

    You've got a great point about Outlook, I LIVE by the calendar, haha! And Minecraft is my son's favorite, so while I don't play it, I see it all the time!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 21:12

    I'm with George on this one.  Growing up on BBS and AOL, email has been my communication channel of choice and Outlook is the software I used the most.  Being too old for the generation x to z apps, I never got into them.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 7.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-28-2023 04:36

    Nothing quite like BBSing with a "fast" 2400 baud modem playing Trade Wars, eh?

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 8.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-28-2023 05:02
    Zelda was my sport



    Robert Wakefield-Carl

    Sr. Director – Innovation Architects

    T: 949-268-5104

    C: 310-350-2010




    Subscribe to  ttec Digital Thoughts


  • 9.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-28-2023 09:26

    Hahah! I love Zelda, too.

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-26-2023 16:58

    I LOVE using Google Sheets to organize things; Medication lists, books I've read, finances (to a point).  Yup. Google Sheets is my choice. 

    Janelle Lopez
    The Chamberlain Group, Inc.

  • 11.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 10:18

    I am a Google Sheet junkie! I use it for movie lists, restaurant recommendations, and...karaoke songs...(yes, I color coordinate all of these lists).

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 12.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 08:45

    Microsoft Office!  I so miss Clippy.  Working at a company that is Google-based is driving me crazy!  

    Gina Palmer
    Papa, Inc.

  • 13.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 08:54

    @Gina Palmer, things my kids will never understand. Using gigantic books called encyclopedias to look up sometimes outdated info, and asking a paperclip for help in our Word Docs.

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 14.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 09:21
    Edited by Gina Palmer 07-27-2023 09:23

    ​@Seean Weaver My very first job in a call center was for Encyclopedia Britannica.  I did many things there but my favorite was when I became "Ask Britannica".  When Encyclopedia Britannica refused to move to CD-ROM (because there is a certain skill you can only get by researching in books), they actually did have a CD-ROM.  I was part of a pilot program where owners of the Encyclopedia could call a number, ask any question, and "Ask Britannica '' (aka ME and one other person) found your answer in 90 seconds or less.  Now that I think of it, we were like live Google.

    Gina Palmer
    Papa, Inc.

  • 15.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 09:03

    In my personal life, my yoga app. I use it every day. While the yoga itself isn't always easy, and I occasionally have some colorful words for my early alarm to wake up and do it, the app makes sticking with the habit so easy.

    For work... probably MS Office. Team Clippy all the way!

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 16.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 09:07

    TechSmith's SnagIt. I do a ton of capture and editing of photos and video. I like that it allows me panoramic and scrolling screen captures for long webpages. It is great for editing images for training materials. Also, it doesn't cost very much and upgrades are even cheaper!

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 17.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 09:12

    Yes...I used SnagIt extensively in the "old days" of creating classes for Interaction Center. Couldn't live without it back then.

    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 18.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-28-2023 09:26

    I haven't heard the word Snagit in sooooo long, haha! I used to use that all the time! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-27-2023 09:59

    I was going to go with the usuals... "Web Browser", "Office" (especially Excel) etc. but I figured you wanted "off the beaten track" submissions.

    I recently started using Elgato products and absolutely love my WaveLink and Stream Deck devices / applications.

    Wavelink redefines audio on the desktop in online meetings etc. (I can finally share my audio properly. I can also now watch a YouTube video during a meeting without the sound bleeding over... oops, did I say that out loud?) I just wish I had found it when I was an Instructor with Beyond!

    But Stream Deck has it beaten, I think. Even though I don't stream, being able to hit one button that sets up my entire desktop for the day (opens all my required apps and websites and arranges them where I want them on the screen) is a godsend! As are some of the other macros I now have set up.

    Prior to finding Stream Deck, I was using Fancy Zones, which is pretty cool if you have a large monitor.

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 20.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-28-2023 01:44

    Hi Everyone,

    Hope you are all doing good!

    My go to software's without which I cannot live is 'Lightroom' and 'Snapseed'. I do click a lot of pictures in both phone and my camera. 

    Those 2 software's are amazing, quick and reliable. Can do a fast edit and share with the family/friends and also on the 'gram ;)


    Sreekand Muthukrishnan
    NTT Australia Pty Ltd.

  • 21.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-30-2023 00:45

    I would be lost without Google Maps/Navigation! 

    Sheila Lyons
    Sales Coordinator
    Eccentex Corporation

  • 22.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-31-2023 08:44

    Lol. "Lost." I see what you did there, but yes! Truly lost. I use these apps daily.

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 23.  RE: What is one piece of software you can't live without?

    Posted 07-31-2023 10:07

    I love I make loads of presentations and that tool makes it easy, beautiful, and fun. 

    Clay Tison
    Genesys - Employees

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