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In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the new enhanced employee recognition for improved engagement. Supervisors can now reward positive agent behavior and performance with standardized, personalized recognitions. This new feature makes it easy to send recognitions...
In this video @Stalin Singh showcases how the leaderboard view is disabled for organizations with disabled gamification. The leaderboards view is now disabled entirely for any organization that has disabled gamification. Instead of displaying an empty leaderboards view, it is now entirely...
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In this video I discuss the inbound and outbound filter for gamification metrics Administrators and supervisors can now setup gamification metrics so that they only account for inbound or outbound interactions. By default, and for existing gamification metrics, Genesys Cloud considers both...
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In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the new Supervisor insights improvements within Gamification, (as part of the WEM suite of tools that are available to Team Leaders/ Supervisors). Supervisors can now use new agent filtering options with the Insights feature...
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In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the Gamification metrics creation workflow improvements that were released on May 24, 2023. Performance management administrators can now set the appropriate level of precision for their performance management metrics. Additionally...
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Title : Scorecard tab improvements in the agent activity view Library : Genesys Cloud CX Folder : TAM Studios Description : In this video Christopher presents about the new features on the Scorecard Monthly Calendar...
FeatureReview_EX_Gamification & Performance Management_Scorecard Monthly Calendar UX improvements_CV_20230222.mp4
In this video Chris talks over high level gamification featres and functionality. Enhance performance management and encourage friendly competition around performance-based objectives with gamification. Use performance points and tracking to establish a clear coaching plan, create a...
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