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In this video, @Santosh Bhandari discusses a new feature "Knowledge workbench connectors for Salesforce and ServiceNow" Genesys Cloud introduces built-in knowledge base connectors for Salesforce and ServiceNow. This feature enables knowledge authors to add and configure third-party content...
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In this video, Guru discusses a new feature "Centralized import and export for knowledge workbench V2" Knowledge authors can now use the Import & Export view in the knowledge workbench V2 to view and manage all import and export activities in one location. The new view provides knowledge...
20231004_FeatureReview_Artificial Intelligence_CX_Centralized import and export for knowledge workbench V2_GP.mp4
In this video I review two features: Category and subcategory navigation in the knowledge portal and Header background and category icon images in the knowledge portal. Administrators can now customize the category and subcategory display layout in the knowledge portal. This feature provides...
20231115_FeatureReview_DX_Digital Admin_Improvements to layout and images on Knowldge Portal_RH.mp4
In this video, Brian discusses a new feature "Internal article references as hyperlinks in other knowledge articles" Knowledge authors can now add internal, published articles as hyperlinks in other articles within the same knowledge base. This feature enables customers who use knowledge...
In this video @Brian Feeney , talks about advanced filtering and customizable columns for knowledge bases. Knowledge authors can now apply advanced filtering to sort the list of articles and also customize which columns appear in a knowledge base. These improvements help knowledge authors...
In this video @Brian Feeney talks about Knowledge Optimizer unanswered queries improvements. Genesys Cloud improved the grouping and visual indicators for the knowledge optimizer. High, medium, and low impact tiles now appear with different background colors. Also, administrators can now...
This webinar was recorded on April 20th, 2023. For those that have submitted a request to join the Knowledge Variations beta, this webinar explains the feature and the beta process. Questions? Reach out to @Harshali Desai or @Jane Hendricks #BetaUpdate #NowRecruiting
Knowledge Variations Beta Webinar_April2023.mp4
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