A place to ask questions, connect with others, and stay in the know
In this video @Brian Feeney talks about Touchpoint variations for knowledge workbench articles. Knowledge authors can now use touchpoint variations on individual knowledge base articles to customize content in an article for bots, Agent Assist, Support Center, and the Knowledge App for...
In this video @Brian Feeney performs a feature review of: Bulk changes to knowledge base question and answer articles Knowledge authors can now make edits to multiple knowledge base question and answer articles. For more information, see Edit multiple knowledge base articles at once . ...
FeatureReview_DX_Artificial Intelligence_BulkChangesFAQs_BF_20230426.mp4
In this video, Guru discusses a new feature - Delete a knowledge base. Knowledge authors can now delete a knowledge base that they no longer need. This feature enables knowledge authors to more easily maintain their knowledge bases. For more information, see Delete a knowledge base . This...
FeatureReview_DX_Artificial Intelligence_Delete a Knowledge Base_GP_20230322.mp4
In this video Guru presents the feature - "Images and email addresses as hyperlinks in knowledge base articles." Knowledge authors can now add images and email addresses as hyperlinks within articles. The image hyperlink feature enhances the customer experience by engaging them with visual...
FeatureReview_DX_Artificial Intelligence_Knowledge Base Articles Images Hyperlinks_GP_20230208.mp4