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In this video @Yu Tan (YuHeng) talks about some export panel enhancements. Genesys Cloud enhanced the general usability of the export panel to increase customer engagement, retention, workspace adoption, and customer satisfaction. This feature enables administrators and supervisors to...
20240520_FeatureReview_CX_Export Panel Improvements_YH.mp4
In this video @Christopher Visick talks about the newly released visual charting for Supervisors. Supervisors can now use additional charting features in the Insights view. These features facilitate an effortless visual comparison between the performance of a chosen group of agents and the...
20240529_FeatureReview_EX_Gamification & Performance Management_Insights visual charting for supervisors_CV.mp4
In this video @Fegy Simon talks about how to e nable and/ or disable evaluation and survey data in the Interactions and My Interactions views Supervisors and managers can now use permissions to grant or deny agent evaluation and survey data access in the Interactions view and...
20240110_FeatureReview_CX_Permissions for evaluation and survey data access.mp4
In this video I (Becky) talk about the ability to view daily agent login and logout activity for multiple agents. Supervisors can now access login and log out information for multiple agents for up to 30 days when they select View as Group in the agent status detail export function. For more...
20240110_CX_Reporting and Analytics_View daily agent login and logout activity for multiple agents_RH.mp4