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In this video, Guru discusses two new features. Quality evaluation revision enablement for rescores Administrators can now enable agents and quality evaluators to access previous evaluation revisions due to a rescore. For more information, see View a completed evaluation . This feature...
20231025_FeatureReview_EX_QM_Quality evaluation revision for rescores-Dispute completed quality management evaluations_GP.mp4
In this video, Stalin discusses the new feature - Filter by evaluation form name. Administrators and supervisors can now filter for evaluation form name, instead of names, in the My Evaluations view and then inspect performance data about the selected evaluation forms. For more information,...
20230419_FeatureReview_EX_Survey_Filter By Evaluation Form Name_SS.mp4
Description : In this video @Christopher Visick gives an overview of the Quality Management functionality that exists within GenesysCloud. To read more about the Quality Management solution that is available within GenesysCloud please visit the Resource Centre here ...
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In this video , @Gaurav Srivastava talks about recent improvements to Topic Spotting. Topic spotting now includes improvements to ensure that the topic spotting process recognizes numbers as alphabetical characters. This update ensures that a topic is correctly detected in a phrase that...
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