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Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

  • 1.  Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-12-2023 13:43
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 05-31-2024 09:34

    Hello Newcomer!

    It's time to say, "hi" in the Welcome Community. Reply below and tell us more about you! Where do you come from? What are your interests? What do you hope to learn in the community? Really any topic is up for grabs. 

    Don't know how to reply? Learn all the basics with the "Community Debut Challenge!' 

    You'll also earn 5 entries for the "Welcome Community Contest" by replying to this thread!

    Have fun in the community! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-12-2023 14:16

    Hello community!

    My name is Matt Lawson, and I manage Genesys' online community site. Glad you decided to join us!

    About me: I am from Tennessee and now live in North Carolina. As of March of 2023, I've been with Genesys and overseeing the community for five years! At the site's launch, we consolidated three separate community sites into one and now we have quite a few great communities/forums and a YouTube channel for you to explore! 

    Outside of Genesys, I was a double Literature Major at the University of Tennessee and I minored in cinema, so if you ever want to talk college football, scrumptious food, poetry, TV, or film, head over to Genesys Casual and let's rap. 

    I have a Blue Heeler named Marty, a local Fantasy Beer League, Movie Trivia Team, and a Pickleball Community. Looking forward to hanging out with you.



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 3.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-12-2023 18:25

    Hey everyone!

    Name is Anthony Romero and feels like I've been active on the community for as long as I have been a Genesys employee (it's not quite that long, but does feel like it).

    About me: I'm a product marketing director for digital at Genesys, with a focus on the channel aspect of digital CX. I also oversee the current Genesys DX community.

    Outside of Genesys I majored in college for public relations, but fell pretty far from that field after working through startups that had me do a bit of everything and finding my calling in product marketing.

    Other than that, I'm a nerd's nerd and can probably geek people out on most things (from Marvel to Godzilla).

    Anthony Romero
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-19-2023 23:49

    Hi Matt,

    That's a good picture of you & a happy dog.

    Has anyone told you yet, that you look a little like - Zach Galifianakis here !!

    Ashiesh Sharma
    BT plc

  • 5.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-20-2023 08:27

    Hey Ashiesh! 

    Yes, I have heard that rumor before and leaned into it one Halloween.


    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 6.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-13-2023 04:27

    Hey Everyone,

    Welcome to our Welcome Community 😃

    I'm Tracy Vickers and you will find me all over the WEM Community where I moderate and look after the Community that covers all thinks focused on our Workforce Engagement Management product suite.
    Have a question about WEM? Pop over to the community, join and ask away 🤔

    As for me, I live in Cheshire in a little village that is now famous as the village that Harry Styles grew up in - that certainly put us on the map!! I've been at Genesys for 15 years living in the world of WEM, prior to that I was in the travel industry since I left college (many moons ago!)

    Outside of work, I am also a bit of geek, playing compter games, doing puzzles, I love Yoga and Pilates (but I'm definitely not Zen). I have a Collie/Lab cross pooch called Penny who is 11yrs old and a Persian cross cat called Molly who is the ripe old age of 17and a Nannie to 2 gorgeous grandchildren - even though I don't look old enough 😜.

    Take Care


  • 7.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-13-2023 12:19

    Thank you everyone for letting us get to know you! As for me: 

    I'm was born and raised on the east coast of North Carolina (Wilmington area) and then moved to Chicago for 10 years to study video production. After I got my Master's degree, I headed to Atlanta to work for 3 years and then back to my Wilmington roots! 

    Other fun facts: Have published a few children's books, I'm an VRBO host, love to karaoke, extreme choco-holic, coffee-coffee-coffee-please!!! I like weird-looking pets.The weirder/uglier the dog, the better! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-14-2023 11:36

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm Damaris Scott and I'm a Product Manager here at Genesys for WFM. I am so happy to have joined this wonderful team full of fun and bright people. While I'm not working, I'm always trying to learn something new in software development. And, while I'm not 'learning', I'm playing tennis, tennis, and more tennis! :) Nice to meet all of you!

    Damaris Scott
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-14-2023 16:09


    My name is Natalie Nobles and I am a product designer at Genesys. I mainly work on the Genesys Knowledge Network, but also get to create some really fun graphics for Nicole and Matt in the community. 

    When not working, I enjoy spending time with my three dogs, Harvey, Amos and Peanut, listening to my extensive vinyl collection and checking out festivals in my local area. 

    Welcome to the community and have fun!

    Natalie Nobles
    Genesys - Employees
    Product Designer

  • 10.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-17-2023 14:58


    I'm Clay. I lead the Customer Success Digital Transformation team and wanted to take a minute to show off how you can also use the Genesys Knowledge Network to interact with the Community. Here's an animated image that shows how you can use our unified search (search shows Community, Documentation, Training, and Video results, and more!), start a discussion, reply, check out the Q&A Show, and find related communities there as well. 

    Community on the Genesys Knowledge Network

    Reach out any time if you have any questions. I'm very much looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    Have a blast becoming part of our wonderful community!

    Clay Tison
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-18-2023 16:26

    Hello all!

    My name is Nicki Dehn and I work as a Cloud Software Partner at AAA. I am new to the world of Genesys, being our organization used Avaya and NICE for about 15 years. I use the community frequently to learn from other users and generally before adding ideas on the Idea Lab.

    I live in NJ with my husband and teenage son. We have a half Boxer/half Staffordshire mix, Cooper, who is my profile pic. I enjoy the beach and warm weather so I am in my happy place currently. Looking to say 'Hi' to everyone and learn. :)

    Nicki Dehn
    AAA Club Alliance

  • 12.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-18-2023 17:00

    Nicki, Ummm...I think you forgot the most important part of your Genesys Bio. You won the Women's History Month Trivia event! Joking. But thanks so much for posting in the community and welcome to Genesys!

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 13.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-19-2023 10:01

    Yay! Nicki! 

    So glad you're here and you posted in the Welcome Community. Can't wait to have a Meet-N-Greet with you. Once we get a few more signed up, we'll reach out :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 14.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-19-2023 10:20

    Hey Everyone!

    Paul Simpson here. I've been using PureConnect (formerly CIC) since the beginning of 2008 and Genesys Cloud CX / Genesys Cloud / PureCloud/ Orgspan / whatever they decide to call it this week since the very beginning!

    I recognize many names on the Community as I used to work for Genesys (and Interactive Intelligence) as an instructor, so probably "met" a fair few of you 😉
    I'm English, although I live in Indiana.

    I now work for a Partner in a Managed Services department and have learned as much about the product in the year since I left Genesys as I did in the 14 years or so I was there! (Yup, the way it's done in class doesn't always work in the real world - go figure!)

    I have a particular interest in the more "in the weeds" aspects of the products (Programming, API, Integrations and so on) as well as having a level of knowledge of Outbound dialers.

    In my little spare time - I am a husband and father, so...! I am trying to get a YouTube channel off the ground. Not very good at it yet, but I'm learning!

    I look forward to chatting with you all over the coming weeks, months and years 😁

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 15.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-19-2023 10:21

    Hi Community! Glad to see you here!

    My name is Nico Feliciano and I am a member of the Genesys Customer Success organization with the designation of Product Specialist. You may have seen me going around the Genesys Cloud Community and as well as a host or participant in the different webinar events we run at scale.

    I am based in Dublin, Ireland and while the Guinness is great I am more into spirits - specifically the dark-colored ones with a preference on whisk(e)y. Slowly building a collection with the goal of tasting variants from all around the world. Very much a foodie as well and the only thing I like more than eating is cooking. Once I gather enough courage I'll start a food (v)blog on the side and get some content going.

    I also easily geek out. So if you want a sounding board for anything simply pique my interest and I'll be there with you for sure. Extra points if it is Genesys Cloud we are going to geek about!

    Nico Feliciano
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-19-2023 11:47
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 04-20-2023 10:15

    Hello world! 
    I'm Jason Mock, somehow both the "New Guy" (been here 8 month) and the "Old Guy" (not THAT old, but still) on my team. I have a dozen years experience with WFM under my belt, but things just won't stop changing, so I have to keep learning!  I'm joining the community to try and help this old dog learn some new tricks. Previous experience has taught me that other users are often the ones that break things in new and exciting ways, to get software to do things the original creators may not have intended, so I look forward to absorbing some of that knowledge!

    In my free time, I enjoy Home remodeling / wood working, reading, cooking, and occasionally acting in local Dinner Detective shows. 

    Looking forward to great things from/for this community!

    Jason Mock
    CAPITAL Services

  • 17.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-19-2023 14:12

    @Jason Mock - I want to see your dinner detective show!!!

    It's so awesome to see brand new faces (to me) on this thread. Keep 'em coming! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 18.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-20-2023 07:46

    My name is Seean and I currently live in northeastern CT. I work at MAPFRE Insurance which is based out of MA. Here in the states we have been transitioning over to Genesys over the past year as part of our parent company's global initiative to get all of our companies onto Genesys worldwide. We actually just cut over our last call center to Genesys yesterday so it's pretty exciting to say the least.

    In my free time..... actually, I have 5 kids, I don't have any free time lol

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 19.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-20-2023 09:57

    @Seean Weaver Hahaha about your free time! WOW!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 20.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-21-2023 10:14

    Hi Everyone,

    I wouldn't call myself a new-comer to Genesys Community !!

    My name is Ashiesh Sharma, I hail from the foothills of Himalayas, India. 
    I am a traveller; and work as a Network Designer at BT, for my travel expenses. ;)
    I find Genesys Community most active and fun, of all the communities I am part of. I enjoy all the trivia contests, discussions etc.
    Beside my usual 9-5 professional life, I like to post travel content (Travel_n_AllThat) and meet people living a different lifestyle than most.

    Not a Fun fact:
    I like to know everything about everything, but my memory fails me and eventually I do not remember much whatever I read.

    Ashiesh Sharma
    BT plc

  • 21.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-25-2023 12:32

    Glad you are having fun, Ashiesh! We love having you. Cheers!

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 22.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-24-2023 09:12

    Joel Krause here!

    I'm a Solution Consultant Lead at Genesys with 20+ years of experience in the Contact Center industry. I specialize and am passionate about creating better customer experiences and am totally inspired daily by his wife and their two children. In my free time, I like to cook breakfast, play his guitar and exercise.

    Thanks for letting me hang out!

    Joel Krause

  • 23.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-24-2023 11:13

    @Joel Krause - thanks for posting! Good to see ya man. Also, moving your pic to this thread so everyone can see that gator! (Somehow it made it's way as a library entry :)

    member picture

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 24.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-26-2023 17:19

    Hello Genesys Community.

    It's a pleasure to Join you.

    This is Joichs Flores from Ecuador, I have been working with Genesys for almost a decade and I can say it's the best platform for Customer Experience and Contact Center.
    I hope to keep working with Genesys for more years and learn more about their new products and roadmap.


    Joichs Flores
    Cibercall USA Corp

  • 25.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 09:29

    It's so great to see all these new faces in the Welcome Community! Has anyone earned the "Debut challenge" badge yet????

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 26.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 11:44

    Trying to get the badge, not sure what else I'm missing lol

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 27.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 12:37

    @Seean Weaver you have it on your profile! Yay!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 28.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 12:18

    I am a proud earner of the Debut Challenge badge!  

    Jason Mock
    CAPITAL Services

  • 29.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 11:06

    Hello Community!

    My name is Jennifer DiCesare and I have been working with Genesys for only a few months so far.  Currently working on our WFM implementation.

    Outside of Genesys, I have an Australian Shepherd that keeps us very busy and active day to day.


    Jennifer DiCesare
    Esri Canada

  • 30.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 12:15

    I look forward to being an annoying thorn in your side, as I try to navigate our WFM Implementation as well. Please feel free to share any tips or tricks you find!

    Jason Mock
    CAPITAL Services

  • 31.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 12:39

    @jason mock the communities are a great place to explore to get tips/tricks! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 13:02

    Hey Jason, glad you found your way here! If you are interested, sign up for a Meet N Greet session! We can try to get Tracy Vickers, the WEM Community Manager, to join and help us welcome you to the community.  



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 33.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-28-2023 08:05

    Hey @Jason Mock - I see you've joined the WEM Community, welcome and yes hopefully meet you on the Meet N Greet :-)


  • 34.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 12:42

    @Jennifer DiCesare Welcome! I used to have an Australian Shepherd, they are so intelligent!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 35.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-27-2023 13:27

    Hello everyone. Ex Genesys now working for a Genesys Partner, New Era Technolgy.  I live in Western Canada, next to the Whistler Ski Resort.   

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 36.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-26-2023 01:09

    Nice one Martin.  I spent 11 years living in BC and working in Gastown before moving back home here to NZ.  Lot of really fond memories of my time there, including a great drive up to Whistler too!

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 37.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-28-2023 08:18

    Hi Jennifer,

    Great to see you are part of the  WEM Community, that's where I live :-) As Matt mentioned to Jason, if you are interested, sign up for a Meet N Greet session! It would be great to meet some of the members face to face (so to speak!)


  • 38.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-28-2023 11:46

    Hi, all!

    George Ganahl, here. I've been part of Interactive Intelligence/genesys since March, 1999, and part of Community for....a while.

    I've had various roles...Instructor with Education, managed some teams (and the IC platform) in Development, Technology Consultant within and without of the company, Support and Partner Enablement, and now Professional Services. Quite a ride!


    George Ganahl GCP (Genesys Cloud), CCXP
    Principal PS Consultant

  • 39.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-29-2023 09:17

    Hello community!

    My name is Tim Bushell, and I work for a Genesys Parner named Inoria.  I've been a member of the Genesys Community for a few years now.

    I'm from Canada and have always lived in Ontario.  I've been involved with contact centers since 2005 and been a fan of the Genesys products about half of that time.  I moved over to the Genesys partner side of things in 2020 as it was always a career path of interest!  I love solving complex problems with technology and the contact center environment is an area of a business that is continually evolving!

    Looking forward to meeting you soon!

    Tim Bushell
    Inoria Inc.

  • 40.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-01-2023 09:31
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 05-01-2023 09:32

    Hi @Tim Bushell - welcome to the community! Looking forward to connecting with you more on the Meet-N-Greet zoom and learning what "power boating" is!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 41.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-01-2023 11:50

    LOL, I suppose it's a term I came up with! Basically getting out on our little bowrider boat with the family and enjoying the power sports like tubing, water skiing and wake boarding.

    Tim Bushell
    Sales Engineer
    Inoria Inc.

  • 42.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-02-2023 13:28

    I wanna go power boating @Tim Bushell - maybe I'll try that this summer!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 43.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-09-2023 00:20

    G'day all!

    My name is Brett Whittingham, and I the Administrator for Genesys at a Superannuation fund in Melbourne, Australia. My past experiences include a variety of telephony systems but Genesys is relatively new to me and I'm keen to start getting some qualifications. 

    About me: I am Aussie born and bred (in Perth) and live in Melbourne, Australia. I love my dogs (and anyone else's dogs) and am a huge nerd....love my boardgames, my online games and my Sci-fi! 


    Brett Whittingham
    Cbus Super Fund

  • 44.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-09-2023 09:24

    Welcome to the community @Brett Whittingham - we're so glad to have ya! What kind of dogs do you have? I have a Chinese Crested named "Beezel." He's oh-so-fashionable, hah!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 45.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-09-2023 19:29
    This is Leroy our Irish-Oodle and Jethro our Sheepadoodle. Both crazy!

    Brett Whittingham
    Cbus Super Fund

  • 46.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-10-2023 08:29

    Oh my gosh! They are gorgeous!!! I love those dogs!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 47.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-09-2023 10:35

    And since you're a self-proclaimed Sci-Fi nerd, keep an eye out in the Genesys Casual community. Lots of times there are discussions revolving around those types of genres AND sometimes we do themed Trivia Tower events that may peak your interest. We'd love to see you in those fun communities as well :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 48.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-09-2023 16:47

    Hello All! 
    Happy to be joining this community to learn more about how to best leverage Genesys Pure Cloud (we are approaching a year using the product this fall 23) within our contact center for Calendars.com, Atticsalt.com, and Go Retail Group.   I am the Contact Center Director and excited to learn more and have some fun at work too :)    

    I'm based just outside of Austin Texas and in my free time love to spend time with my kids, cook, enjoy nature, listen to music and travel. 

    Tricia Berthet

  • 49.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-10-2023 08:37

    Welcome @Tricia Berthet you're in the right place! Are you a member of the Genesys Cloud CX community? You'll find great answers to questions about the Cloud product and can post your own questions there as well! And if you like to have fun and win prizes, join the Genesys Casual community where contest announcements are typically made :)
    By the way, LOVE Austin, need to get back there when I get a chance! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 50.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-10-2023 10:14

    Hello Genesys Community!!

    My name is Kim Sain-King and I currently work with the ConvergeOne Genesys Support practice.  I started working with the PureConnect platform when I went to work for Interactive Intelligence and moved over to Genesys Cloud last year.  

    My family and I live in beautiful Greenville, SC and enjoy martial arts, hiking, biking, Lego and Pokemon.  We have 2 rescued giant Malamutes, Titan and Zeus who keep us busy.  

    This community has so much to offer and I am hoping to tap into that for myself, our C1 Team and our customers.  It is always fantastic to see how others are making the platform work for them.  


    Here are my office mates Titan (Red) and Zeus.

    Kimberly Sain-King
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 51.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-10-2023 13:44

    Hello All,

    My name is Kaio, and I'm Genesys Partner! I'm glad to be here!

    About me: I'm from Brazil and living in Sao Paulo. I have worked with Genesys since 2007 with Genesys Engage version 6. (too old =))
    I'm MBA graduated in Technology and try the put together my knowledge in Genesys and Development. 
    Besides, I have two kids, and I'm advanced diver certified. I really love the ocean!

    See you soon!

    Kaio Mathias
    Orange SA

  • 52.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-10-2023 14:59

    Hi Kaio! 
    Are you a member of the Engage community? You may find some helpful information there as well. Hope you're working on your Debut Badge! We're happy to have you.

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 53.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-25-2023 22:26

    Hello everyone

    I'm Anton from New Zealand. I've worked with Avaya, Nice, Genesys Engage and for last couple of years Genesys cloud, and have a particular interest and love of call flow design. 

    I have two wonderful daughters, the oldest is turning five next week. I am a nerds nerd, I like table top RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons amongst others, love boardgames, video games (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is where it is at right now, highly recommend), sci fi and just science in general really.

    See you all out there in the community

    Anton Vroon

  • 54.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-26-2023 01:15
    Edited by Vaun McCarthy 05-26-2023 01:16

    Vaun here, in New Zealand but spent a good decade living in Vancouver, Canada.

    Been through the whole gamut of Contact Centres from being a CSR working the phones on Y2K night many years ago for our national carrier, to being supervisor, then jumped into my true love - the geeky techy side of it all lol and done work on Cisco, Mitel, Avaya, Genesys Engage for about 10-12 years and now Cloud - I even took at peek at that "product by that company which shall not be named" - A*S :) but here I am reasonably happy in G land

    I've also had roles from COBOL type language developer, Sharepoint/web administrator, surgical and medical procurement, musical/stage/theatre crew and even tap dancer if you go back far enough and want something incriminating :)

    Great community we've got ourselves here!

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 55.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-26-2023 15:00
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 05-26-2023 15:00

    Hey @Anton Vroon and @Vaun McCarthy!
    Welcome! It was so cool to chat with you in our Meet-N-Greet Zoom call, you dudes are awesome! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 56.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 06-03-2023 22:51

    That was fun Matt and Nicole.  Was also great catching up with Anton in a different capacity.  

    Most definitely need this to be a regular thing and hopefully we can get more of our fellow kiwis on board :)

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 57.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 06-30-2023 07:30

    Hi everyone, 

    I'm Marjolein from the Netherlands. We are in implementation phase of Genesys Cloud. We're migrating from PureConnect. So finally making our way into the cloud. 

    Great to see that here is an active Community. Looking forward to new insights and working with Genesys Cloud. 

    Marjolein West

    Slachtofferhulp Nederland

  • 58.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 06-30-2023 09:18

    Hi and welcome, @Marjolein West! Great to have you! Yes, you'll find a very active community, indeed. Check out both the Pure Connect and the Genesys Cloud CX communities if you haven't done so. A wealth of information for you there! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 59.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 06-30-2023 16:50

    Hello, Community! 

    I am from Florida, USA. Our finance company just started using Genesys December 2022. I am excited to learn more about Gamification. I am the Training and QA Supervisor and tasked with rolling out Gamification so I will be studying this extensively, hopefully mastering this product. I enjoy all things high-strangeness and paranormal! Here is a picture of my scaly dog, Zipp. 

    Kara Johnson
    U.S. Auto Credit Purchasing Center, LLC

  • 60.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 07-03-2023 14:36

    Hey @Kara Johnson ! Welcome to the community. The Workforce Engagement Community will be a great place for you to dig into the topic of gamification. Also, the topic has been covered on the Community's YouTube Channel a few times. I remember specifically doing an overview in this episode of the Q&A Show. 

    I also love strangeness and paranormal, so if you ever want to suggest it as a topic for the Trivia Tower, please do so!!

    Zipp is a king! 


    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 61.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-12-2023 19:44
    Edited by Sajid Abbas 08-12-2023 19:45

    Hello beautiful people, 

    This is Sajid Abbas from Pakistan. Its been more than a decade since I have been Implementing/Customizing Genesys for many customers mostly in Dubai. Now I feel its high to get my skills certified :)

    Hence the community I joined is Training & Certifications. Learning is a continuous process and I am looking forward for great ideas exchange on this forum.

    Have a good day folks!

    Sajid Abbas
    Individual Only Contact Account

  • 62.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-23-2023 14:58

    Welcome @Sajid Abbas and @Jason Neuman! We're so happy to have you here. Please explore all of our other wonderful communities, such as Genesys Cloud CX community, the Beta HQ (if you like to test out new features coming out soon), and our Trivia Tower where we have events and give away great prizes! Great to have you - reach out with any questions whatsoever.

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 63.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-15-2023 11:59

    Hi there! My name is Lin Gary and I am part of our Product Communication team. 

    You can find me online in our Beta HQ Community and offline stomping around Indianapolis.

    Outside of Genesys, I love to test new recipes, support local restaurants, explore coffee shops, nose-dive into a good book, and travel anywhere with great food!

    Excited to be here and start connecting with all of you 😁

    Lin Gary
    Genesys - Employees

  • 64.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-23-2023 14:46

    Hi All, I'm Jason Neuman and a long time Genesys customer with various companies. I was born and raised in Portland, OR and a graduate of Portland State University. I enjoy mountain biking, snowboading and coaching my kids in various sports. My experience with Genesys started withPureEngage and have been enjoying it ever since.

    Jason Neuman
    The Capital Group Companies, Inc.

  • 65.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-29-2023 08:22


    My name is John Ohlund and I am the Customer Service Reporting and Analytics manager for Newfold Digital. I have 10 years of experience in Workforce Management and really enjoy using data to transform our customer experience. At Newfold Digital we are migrating our different brands from Genesys Engage on-premise and other contact center applications to the Genesys Cloud CX platform. This community has been very beneficial in achieving a successful outcome and I look forward to partnering with everyone in this community.


    John Ohlund

    John Ohlund
    Newfold Digital

  • 66.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 08-30-2023 12:07

    Welcome @John Ohlund! Happy to hear the community has been beneficial for you. I see you have been active in the Genesys Cloud CX community, please check out the Workforce Engagement community as well the Trivia Tower community (our Summer Events trivia went live yesterday) you could be the next winner and select a prize from our Prize Wall! 

    Antwuan Rencher
    Genesys - Employees

  • 67.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-08-2023 08:15

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Monika and currently I'm realizing already the second migration to a Genesys solution in a company. Well, this might mean I'm breathing Genesys Cloud meanwhile! :D

    Outside the actual Genesys platform, I'm very into anything within a Customer Service division that could be enhanced with AI.

    Monika Gruber
    1&1 Telecommunication SE

  • 68.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-08-2023 11:22

    Hi Monika! We're so happy to have you! If you haven't joined the Genesys Cloud CX or Beta communities, do so! You'll be able to learn about and participate in all the new features that are coming out in the Beta community, and there are a lot of answered questions and experts hanging around the CX community. Also, take the Welcome Community challenge to earn a badge if you have time :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 69.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-14-2023 03:12

    Hola, soy Noemí. Soy de Madrid, España, y llevo años siendo mánager de proyectos, pero siempre me ha gustado entrar a configurar las herramientas por mí misma. Finalmente, aquí estoy aprendiendo a hacerlo.

    Noemí Alonso
    PlusNet Solutions, S.L.

  • 70.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-19-2023 18:08


    My name is Stephane Halter, I am french and I lived for 11 years in San Francisco, and now in Sydney, Australia.

    I have been a Genesys employee for over 20 years, with experience on coding, integrating, selling. I now am in charge of a migration project to Genesys CX for a customer (Lifeline Australia).


    Stephane Halter
    Lifeline Australia

  • 71.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-20-2023 12:17

    Hi and welcome, Stef! We are so happy to have you in the Genesys community! I was looking at your profile and you know what would look good on it? A Community Debut Challenge badge!!!! It's super easy to get, so head over here to get that applied to your account. Let me know if you have any questions :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 72.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-29-2023 05:31

    Hi Nicole,

    I am new to Genesys. Just wanted to say hello to you.



    Derek Tan
    Concentrix Solutions Corporation

  • 73.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 11-29-2023 09:06

    Hi Derek! 

    Welcome to the Community! I hope you'll find lots of answers to any questions you have, and if you don't please post your question. Are you switching over to Genesys Cloud CX or already a user? 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 74.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 02-09-2024 03:47

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Gene and some of you might know me as I have been working for Blackchair (one of Genesys' Expert App partners) since around 2010. 

    I am an American living in the UK since 1995. My interests are cooking, travel, gaming and I also hold an amateur radio operator license for both the UK and the USA.

    I wanted to post something here to not only say hello to everyone and to contribute to the community when relevant, but to also provide a extra route for people who might be interested in knowing what our company does.

    Thank you again for reading to the end of this message! :-)


    Gene Reynolds
    Blackchair Software Ltd.

  • 75.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 02-20-2024 01:36


    I work for Logan City Council in Brisbane Australia in the Networks and Telephony Team.  We use Genesys Cloud. I'm very new to Genesys and am still finding my way around Genesys. I would describe my experience level as novice with the product at this stage. But am pretty excited by the product. There is a lot that it can do. 

    Looking forward to building on my knowledge and finding out through the community about things we are not currently taking advantage of. 

    All the best 


    Danny Vincent
    Logan City Council

  • 76.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 03-01-2024 10:05

    Hi @Gene Reynolds and @Danny Vincent Welcome to the community! We're so glad to have you! From what you said above, make sure you've joined the Cloud community and if you like testing new beta features before they are GA, join the Beta HQ community as well. 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 77.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 03-01-2024 09:06

    Hello all,

    I am now working for Southwest Business Corp. (SWBC), I was employeed by Genesys as a Technical Account Manager (TAM) from 2016 to 2022 before moving to Professional Services in their Partner Services team  So I have been using what is now Genesys Cloud from its infancy to what it has become today.  Prior to that I worked for an Interactive Intellegence CIC premise customer.  Been a member of the community for a while as a TAM but now as a customer.

    I came on to SWBC inthe middle of their migration from PureConnect Cloud to Genesys Cloud so its been an interesting few months.

    About me, I am originally from the far reaches of Northern California, and now live in Indianapolis, my education is in the professional music industry (Audio Engineering and Record Lable Management) where I worked for about 4 years before moving to a more tech oriented career.  I love to cook, and tinker with Tech.

    Bob Hall
    Southwest Business Corp.

  • 78.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 03-01-2024 10:02

    Hey Bob, 

    Great to meet you! Thank you for introducing yourself. Have you joined the Genesys Cloud and Beta HQ communities. I think you may like what's going on in those communities. 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 79.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 03-14-2024 13:21

    Hi all!

    My name is Daniel Possekel and I am actually a Customer, not a Partner as being labeled right now :)

    I started more than 20 years back in the utilities sector and worked every since in or close to customer service. My passion has been the application of the little IT skills I knew at the time in order to improve our work in daily's business. Through that efforts I grew from an customer service agent through  some project management and finally ended up as a business administrator and product owner for or Genesys Engage implementation. Which we are about to leave behind soon :(

    Right now we are preparing for departure into Genesys Cloud, which is why I will stroll around here more often in the coming month ;)

    I m known to question things a lot, seeking for the WHY and best approach. So happy to have things about GC challenged a lot together with you. So, let's roll (after I finished my training of course).


    Daniel Possekel
    Vattenfall GmbH

  • 80.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-26-2024 14:47

    Hey Community!

    My name is Amy Sessions and I am the Division Manager for Utility Customer Service at the City of Clearwater. Man, that is a mouthful. I am from Alabama and now transplanted in Florida. I am in the Disney Cast Member protection program (meaning I have over a decade of working for the mouse under my belt) which is where I fell backwards into the contact center world. From there, I was a director and built a call center for another major central Florida entity before settling down in my current home of municipal government. We launched our Genesys almost a year ago (June '23) and being a data analysis nerd, Genesys reporting is my happy place.

    Away from work, I am a crafty nerd. I knit, crochet, am learning to spin yarn, embroidery, cross stitch, sew, write, bake, and have a love or appreciation of all things nerdy - Dr. Who, all things Middle Earth, everything Harry Potter, George Lucas and Jon Favreau's universe, most things Marvel, and the list goes on. Pretty much, I am Sheldon Cooper, though equally neurodiverse I am a bit more self-aware.

    I have an awesome cat named Franklin who is my shadow.

    My awesome tuxedo cat doing what he does best - sleep.

    Amy Sessions
    City of Clearwater - Cutomer Service Manager

  • 81.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-29-2024 15:29

    Hey Community,

    I am Leonell Pangilinan, from Philippines. Currently Studying Genesys cloud and found this community interesting and might help for my studying.

    I love Cats, I love to play basket ball, and when I was young I used to play console games most of my time and now even if I want to play I don't have that energy I used to, I prefer to sleep after a long day.

    Leonell Pangilinan
    TTEC Digital, LLC fka Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 82.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-29-2024 15:52

    Welcome Leonell! I love cats too, I have two of them. One even has different color eyes (one blue and one green). Since you are new to the community, make sure you check out the Genesys Cloud community, where there is lots of content that may help you study :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 83.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-29-2024 15:54

    Amy, I always find you fascinating! Thank you for joining the Welcome Community! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 84.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 04-30-2024 01:51

    Hi Community,

    I am Hanumanth, from Bangalore India working as Senior Manager and have started Studying and working Genesys cloud implementation and found this community interesting and might help in gaining more knowledge in Genesys Cloud and use the same in carrier growth 

    I love to do Swimming, hiking and Trekking. 

    Hanumanthaiah Thimmaiah
    Black Box Limited

  • 85.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-23-2024 01:56


    I am Yogesh Varma & this is my 4th week at Genesys, in my previous stint for 16 long years i worked with NICE (pls dont judge me) handing their WFM line of business from a presales/solutions perspective. 

    I am happy to be here & looking forward for the Rise & Shine onboarding in Indianapolis in June 24.


    Yogesh Prem Prakash Varma
    Genesys - Employees

  • 86.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-23-2024 07:42

    No judgement at all for you working at NICE. My company used NICE for years and while the UI was painful to deal with and I would dread adding new hires and the 10 steps it took to add users into it for call/screen recording.... the program itself did work really well for our Recording and WFM needs. 

    If I ever needed to call into support, I dealt with the absolutely nicest people ever. I actually kind of miss talking to some of them because they knew the product really well and were a pleasure to talk to.. 

    Seean Weaver
    MAPFRE USA - Telecom Analyst

  • 87.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-23-2024 07:47

    I agree with Seean - we used NICE at Disney and while the product was sometimes painful on the agent setup front, the use was great and the support even better. Congratulations on joining the Genesys team and good luck in your new role!!

    You Rock GIF by Goldfish

    Amy Sessions
    City of Clearwater - Cutomer Service Manager

  • 88.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 05-29-2024 17:04

    Hi Community!

    I'm Mark Jones. I come from London, UK. I have worked in telecommunications for 34 years, all of those years in various support roles using a vast range of technologies. I started using Genesys Cloud about a year ago, so still getting to know all its features and wrinkles! Outside of work I love to ticker with tech, specifically Raspberry Pi's. I am into Film, Music, Cars, Motorcycles, and Retro Gaming. And of course, beer! :-)

    I have a 1986 Citroen BX which you can see in my profile picture, which is my pride and joy!

    Hopefully, if time allows, I'll get to explore more communities on here.


    Mark Jones
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 89.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 06-07-2024 18:29

    Hello Everybody!

    My name is Izeck McRae, and I'm the Product Manager over Genesys Cloud at The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-day Saints.

    I'm from Utah and have lived here my whole life, mainly north of Salt Lake City. I have been in this role for over two years and love it, but I have no prior experience working with Genesys Cloud.

    Outside of work, I'm a huge Football fan. I love the NFL and cheer on the LA Chargers and the University of Utah. I also officiate Football at the High School and Junior College levels. Nothing gets me more excited than being on the field close to the action!

    I'm married to my High School sweetheart, and we have two kids, ages 5 and 2, as well as a Shih Tzu puppy named Oreo (my favorite snack).

    I've enjoyed my time in the community, and I look forward to learning from other users' experiences and finding best practices with this amazing tool. I'm happy to be here!

    Izeck McRae
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

  • 90.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Cam I am one of the new community managers/moderators here at Genesys and I am so excited to be here!

    Little bit about me:

    I am from Colorado, I have 3 kids and a rockstar wife and I LOVE playing golf. I am also a wannabe web developer that's just getting my toes wet within dev with Angular! 

    My time at Genesys I come from the API + Integrations side of product support and I have been with that team almost my entire time at Genesys. I am excited to help the Genesys Community in another way. 

    Here is a picture of me this past weekend. My wife and kids took me golfing for fathers day. 

    I look forward to see you in the community!

    Online Community Manager/Moderator
    Genesys - Employees

  • 91.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 26 days ago

    Welcome aboard, Cam!


  • 92.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 28 days ago

    Hello Genesys Community!

    My Name is Jason and I am excited to join the team as a Online Community Manager/Moderator. I currently live in Cincinnati, OH, but I have lived in a few places across the Midwest. As of writing this I have 5 cats that my wife and I have rescued. I'm a big fan of all kinds of music, video games, and a combination of the two. During my free time I like to record music, play tabletop games, and write code. I'm always looking to learn new things. 

    Let's collab!

    Jason Kleitz
    Genesys - Employees

  • 93.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 27 days ago

    We are so excited to have you @Jason Kleitz! The community is surely going to benefit from your knowledge. Welcome aboard!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 94.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 27 days ago

    Welcome Jason

    I too enjoy tabletop games, both board games and ttrpgs, what is your current favorite?

    Anton Vroon

  • 95.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 20 days ago

    Hey Anton,

    Thanks for the welcome! I really enjoy cooperative board games. One of my favorite games is Pandemic and I've probably a dozen copies of Pandemic Legacy, Seasons 1, 2, and 0. Another fav of mine is Gloomhaven, though the PC version has spoiled me. Lastly, I've played in several campaigns of D&D 5e with some friends in person, as well as over the net!

    Jason Kleitz
    Genesys - Employees

  • 96.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 19 days ago

    Pandemic is great. I do like co-operative games, but usually prefer the ones were some/all the players have hidden agendas, so still co-operative but with some healthy paranoia thrown in. Unfathomable is a personal favorite along those lines. Definitely like D&D too, been playing since 3.5e days, really looking forward to the updated rules for 5e coming out later this year, but I also enjoy other ttrpgs, like Cypher and Vampire the masquerade to name just a few.

    Anton Vroon

  • 97.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 26 days ago

    Welcome aboard. Jason!


  • 98.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 12 days ago

    Hello Everyone!

    I am Sam and the latest to join the team of Online Community Manager/Moderators and I am looking forwards to getting involved.

    I have been at Genesys for nearly 9 years, working as a WFO Consultant and more recently as an Analytics and WEM SME in customer care.  Prior to that I was a Resource and Planning Manager for the contact center of financial services company.

    Outside of work I live in Devon in the south west of the UK with my family, my cats and my dog and I like to spend my free time walking and watching (sometimes even playing) football and most other sports.

    Samuel Jillard
    Online Community Manager/Moderator
    Genesys - Employees

  • 99.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 5 days ago

    Hello Team!

    My name is Julián, and I work as a Product Manager for the Genesys Cloud CX platform at Banco Galicia. Our organization is one of the leading banks in Argentina and is new to Genesys Cloud, having used Avaya for many years. I plan to use the community to learn from other users and share ideas and strategies.

    I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but I have also lived in Paris, which is one of my favorite cities along with Buenos Aires. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places.

    We are very excited in our organization to be new partners with the Genesys team. We are confident that we will be able to transform our banking services and enhance the experience for all our customers.

    Best regards,


    Julián Aldazabal
    Banco Galicia

  • 100.  RE: Introduce Yourself! (Get Points for the Contest!)

    Posted 5 days ago

    Welcome Julian! We're so happy to have you onboard with Genesys Cloud. There will be so much information to learn from the community. Make sure you join the Genesys Cloud community, and if you're interested in features coming up on the roadmap, you can beta test them on the Beta HQ community. Again, happy to have you!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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