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If license is not valid, tracker works with limited functionality. Can you get a new license from Genesys? ------------------------------ Guchan Erzorlu Call Center Resources Dan. A.S ------------------------------
I use alerts often for my team. I have them set up for long calls, longest interaction waiting, & long unavailable status. You can set them to pop up or alert with a sound- or both! The only one I can't find is how to alert if a call has been on hold ...
Reports of agents in all queue are reporting that email being forwarded or replay do not have the entire email thread included. They reported it worked before in the past. I'm looking around and it appears there maybe a permission for this but its not ...
Pierre, This forum is dedicated to the (soon to be discontinued) PureConnect product line. I recommend you ask your question over on the Genesys CLoud forum, where you will more likely get a response. HTH ------------------------------ Paul Simpson ...
Hello, Is it possible to create one or more campaigns that use external gateways to send SMS? We would have the possibility of using an SMSG of the SMPP protocol type or an SMSG that allows interaction with REST API HTTPS services to send SMS. Is it ...
Hello Kristian, I assume you are asking about full cloud environment (BYOC C / Voice). Did you check software versions, as there are some requirements: https://help.mypurecloud.com/articles/managed-phones-models-and-features-matrix/. Regards, ...
In Interaction Administrator, you can "File" > "Export" and get a csv export of "most" of what is in directory services for the system, including phone configuration. The path you'd be interested in would be something like: <sitename>\Production\<primary_cic_server>\Workstations ...
Excellent! Thank you for your prompt reply and your assistance, Aaron! ------------------------------ Patrick Ellis Statistics Canada ------------------------------
Based on scheduled callback and data action, you're asking about PureCloud, but you're in the PureConnect section of the forums. You may want to ask in the PureCloud community. To my knowledge, the architect based callback steps allow you to input ...
Hey Jon, I came across your post as we too are experiencing the same issue you posted. Did you ever find a resolution? ------------------------------ Todd Kruid Midco ------------------------------
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