Workforce Engagement Management

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  • Hello WEM Community! Remember our post a few months back about exciting limited availability releases for Genesys Cloud? ( here ). We're thrilled to remind our WEM customers there is still time to sign up and experience it firsthand! AI Scoring, ...

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  • Hello Genesys Community, Great news! We're excited to announce that an enhancement to the Historical Data Import (HDI) will be launched this week. This update makes it easier for administrators to handle multiple files, allowing you to upload them without ...

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  • Thank you for your response. We are patiently awaiting the release of this feature. It is essential for call centers to have access to this data to ensure agents are held accountable and operate efficiently. Do you have a release date planned? ------------------------------ ...

  • Thank you for your reply. We currently use the queue activity page to push calls. Unfortunately, the issue arises when we can only pull one queue at a time, which makes this process inefficient for our call center needs. I hope that Genesys will provide ...

  • Update: We are still testing this fix and therefore the release will be delayed. Our best estimate at this point is by end of next week but I will post another update next week with a status. Thank you for your patience. ------------------------------ ...

  • Hello Genesys Community, Next week we will begin releasing the Early Reminders for Scheduled Activities. This new feature will allow you to configure reminders to your agents anywhere from one to 15 minutes before their next scheduled activity. You ...

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  • We are pleased to share that Coaching and Learning now support configurable activity codes in Genesys Cloud. Workforce Admins can find the settings under the Scheduling tab for Business Units: These settings determine the code that is used when ...

  • We are pleased to announce that Coaching has received a revamp to its UI that brings more options when creating your appointments. There is also a new enhanced view for conducting appointments that puts all of the key information front and centre. Coaching ...

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